Numb Dreaming

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Warning: before you read this it has topics of death and it is over all sad. Please take caution if this triggers you.

Bright didn't know when he really went numb, he guessed it happened after glass' death. It was unexpected really, an  outside organization somehow infiltrated the site and took no prisoners or hostages. Letting out all the scps and them destroying the whole site itself.

When bright cought the news, he didn't speak for months. And the only 'people' he talked to were the scps and the 05 council, but even then it was rare.

Bright couldn't even reach out to any of his friends because they were all dead to. Everyone died except glass, and now he's gone as well.

Iceberg, clef, kondraki, gears, the list goes on.

But bright knows in a couple years, maybe 50 or so, he will find new friends to talk to and laugh with. And then he will watch them die as well, just like everyone else before them.

It wasn't until Bright got to unstable and insane that the 05 decided he should be put in a cell, just like an scp until he could come back somewhat sane.

It's been 10 years, and bright has stopped all contact completely.

He doesn't know if the foundation is still running or not, hell, he doesn't even know if the council will ever let him out again. Brights still to unstable to work with, let alone be outside of a cell. But that hasn't stopped the foundation from experimenting on him either, they will send in multiple scps into his cell, telling them that their objective was to get him to communicate something in exchange for things that they could possibly want or bargain for.

That or they send in gaurds and scientists with needles and surgical tools, mostly seeing how much pain he can go through until he screams for them to stop.

He often preferred the scps over the people because at least most times they didn't try to harm him.

But bright also has a little secret of his own when people don't watch.

He can see all his dead friends ghosts! Of course they haunt the foundation, most resurchers never leave after death because they still have unfinished files or family members that decided to join in their place. But in brights case, they stuck around to keep an eye on him, and make sure he was ok after they left.

Mostly bright tries to ignore them but that's kind of hard to do when clef and kondraki are telling him jokes and iceberg is wrapped in several blankets in the background, still trying to get warm even in death.

Glass usually sits close to bright and talks to him in a calming voice, usually trying to get bright to open up about how his day had been even if he knew what the answer already was.

Gears would also appear from time to time, usually trying to help iceberg with whatever he was doing or telling bright some of his past experiences with the foundation, those were rather amusing.

Bright would often fall asleep in their presence and then when he wakes up he will be alone again. He doesn't know where they go after he falls asleep, but he does know they mess with the staff because often times he will hear them complain about things being moved or knocked over by seemingly nothing.

Sometimes he will even hear someone set off an explosion but they never find a trace on the security feed, and bright silently laughs because he knows it was possible iceberg got bored and decided to cause trouble.

It's been 20 years now and bright has actually started talking again, the downside though is that he sees hallucinations as well as his ghost buddies and he can't tell the difference.

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now