Bright and Clefs Contest

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There was loud stomping noises and then it suddenly ceased. Then just as they stoped the door to the office break room was kicked open by none other than Dr. Bright.

"Which one of you Fuckers were going to tell me Alto had horns?!"

The room went silent, then suddenly clef burst into laughter.

"Oh- oh my 343, bright your killing me buddy!"

Clef continues to laugh, falling to the floor in a fit of giggles.

Bright walks over to the group of scientists and stands next to kondraki.

"I- I'm sorry, I thought you would have looked through my files by now since you've done that with everyone else!"

Everyone was surprised for a moment, they were all about to yell questions when bright started speaking again.

"I only just now got my hands on your files, but even then you coulda' told me!"

Clef got up and dusted himself off, looking at bright.

"Well I guess now I can say the same about you. I found a way to get your personal files, I've gotta say your pretty interesting yourself."

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

Bright looked confused.

"I haven't even seen my own personal files so if you could forward those to me that would be nice."

Kondraki looked over at bright and clef with a look of amusement.

"I'm interested now, what did you see in his files?"

"Where do I start? Why not with the fact he also has horns? And the fact he wears contacts to hide red eyes?"

Bright looked kind of nervous but obviously no one caught on to that, they just assumed he was being quiet as to listen to what clef has to say.

"Hold up, before this gets too personal let's stop there."

Glass intervened and for once bright was happy about it. Bright let out a sigh of relief and kondraki seemed to notice this as well as clef.

So to lighten the mood kondraki got an idea.

"Why don't you two have a contest to see who's horns look better?"

Bright actually thought it was a great idea because cutting down his horns was sort of painful and uncomfortable, and judging by the look on clefs face he had the same experience.

"Yeah that seems reasonable, it's gonna take a few months but it's better than having the foundation cutting them down."

"So it's just a contest of who's horns look better? Sure, I already know I'm gonna win so it'd just be for the fun of it!"

Clef was getting cocky now and bright was getting ready to retaliate when an alarm went off.

"Scp 049 and 049-j have breached containment."

"Well fuck." Kondraki, clef and bright said all at the same time.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

It has been 3 months and little horns have started to appear on clef, brights also started to grow in but he would mess up his hair so that the others wouldn't see them.

"Why do you hide yours anyway? It's not like it's that bad."

Clef and bright were walking to the break room to go eat lunch and previously clef had brought up the bet.

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora