Therapy? Cringe.

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"So you may be wondering why I wanted both of you in one session together-"

"Literally no one was thinking about that Glass."

Clef was slightly annoyed. Well, that's a light way of putting it. He was pissed off because Glass took him out of the shooting range and threw him into some weird therapy session with Bright.

"Oh shut it Clef, it's not like you were doing anything important."

Bright was currently in a female body so she lost their menacing aura, but they still had a nasty strike though. Clef teased Bright relentlessly and had faced the consequences multiple times.

"Alright both of you shut up. You're both here because I thought it would be a good idea to have you both talk to eachother about how you deal with your immortality and them brainstorm ideas with how you could do different things so you don't get bored."

The room was silent for a couple of seconds and Glass actually thought they were gonna take him seriously for once. But then they started laughing. A lot.

Clef fell off of the chair he was sat in across from Glass and Bright was clutching her stomach and showing signs of tears in her eyes.

"That- that was a good one Glass! Hilarious even, did you plan that?"

"I am being serious Bright. If you don't do this I'm going to make both of you do all the paperwork in this site for a week."

"Hah! Jokes on you, I already do like three quarters of the work here!"

"So then you wouldn't be opposed to more work then?"

"Abso-fuckin-lutely not!"

"Clef? What about you?"

"Fuckin hell man, I don't really have a choice here do I?"

"Not unless you somehow make me forget all this."

"That can be arranged!"

Bright hits Clef over the head once he said that, so hard 8n fact that Clef's head hit the table and a string of curses could be heard from down the hall.

"Ow you fuckin dickwad! That hurt!"

"Quit being a pussy Clef, and don't threaten Glass like that again or I'll make it ten times worse."

"Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?"

"God's dead Glass, 343 took his place remember?"

Glass groaned and banged his head on his desk. This was going to be a very long session.


"Alright let's take a ten minute break. I need some heavy whiskey and a talk with my therapist."

Clef laughed at that remark and made no move to get up from his chair. This caught Glasses attention because he thought Clef would have bolted at the sound of a break. A reason to leave and escape to a different site maybe. But no, he just sits there, a smug smile on his face.

"Aren't you supposed to be the therapist?"

Bright looks at Glass quizzically.

"There are times in life where a chain of therapist help eachother n' stuff. It's a whole thing that I don't have the energy to explain."

Glass was drained from the constant running around the two in front of him did. They went in circles, around eachother, and in loops.

It was very, very tiring.

"I have a proposal for you Doc."

Oh god. Today just couldn't get worse for Glass, could it?

"What is it Clef?"

Scp Doctor Oneshots (Mostly Bright)Where stories live. Discover now