Sleep overs- clefdraki

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(Trigger warning- uhm... I dont know how to describe what it is but something like forced relations. Please don't read if you are not comfy. I will put a mark to show when it's over.)


There are tears going down my face and I feel terrible.

What happened again? Where was I? Who was I with that was making me feel this way?

I got a glimpse of who it was.

Oh. It was her.

I suddenly don't want to be here anymore.

I try to move but nothing happens.

I hear her trying to speak to me, but it comes out all blurry and I can't see the words she is trying to make put.

I feel her hands on me.

I try to move more violently now.

Nothing happens.

Her hands are everywhere.

No. No, no, no, no. Get off of me. I dont like this.

(Yo it's over, please take a drink of water or eat something if you haven't already!)

I wake up.

I'm in a dark room, probably my apartment but everything feels foreign. The walls are crumbling into nothingness and eyes form everywhere. It looks like their judging me.

Please don't look at me.

I hear laughter. It sounds something like mocking. Who was laughing? Why were they laughing?

Everything is light and dark at the same time, and everything is nothing and everything as well. It's making me feel sick.

Everything makes me feel sick.

I want someone to wake me from this nightmare already.


Help me.

Wake me up....

Don't leave me here...

I feel a hand on my shoulder shake me and I flinch backwards.

There was a man in front of me, he has nice green eyes.


He's signaling to me to take deep breaths as if he knows that I can't hear him right now.

Will my hearing return?

I take slow breaths and look around, there are no eyes or the void, just old apartment walls that I've always seen around.

I look back at the man and can sort of hear him say things to me.

He reaches his hand out for me to take. I don't know what he wants but I put my hand in his and let him take me with him.

I don't think I'm in a good state to walk but my body seems to be able to move just fine without me thinking about it.

Have we done this before?

It feels like we have.

I am now very aware I can't remember who this is yet but I feel like he's important. I guess I'll see where he takes me.

We walk put my door and into the next room over.

Oh, he lives right next door. That's neat.

He sets me on the couch and puts a blanket around me, then walks to the kitchen.

The blanket smells like sugar water and pine cones. That's really nice.

I close my eyes for a moment and I am finally gifted with hearing again.

I hear him moving around in his kitchen, and a coffee machine starting up.

I wonder what time it is, and also why kondraki was awake at this hour.

Oh, now I remember who he is!

It's Benny, konny, my darling, and my top rival!

Huh, does he always do this for me?

It's a sweet gesture no dought and I'm not opposed to this. But also, he has the information he needs to back stab me and leave me in the dust.


When did I become so vulnerable around kondraki and why?

Eh, it's something for morning me to think about, but I can hear him coming back to his living room.

I open my eyes again and see him holding out a cup of hot coco. Of course it's not coffee, it's like, somewhere in the morning.

"Are you ok now?"

"Eh, could be better, might cause the world to collapse again later. Who knows?"

Oh wow, my voice is scratchy. It sounds pleasent but also not.

"Well if your good enough to talk and make jokes I am going to assume your ok for now."

I quietly sip the hit coco.

"Is this a sleep over?"

Kon laughed! I'm happy to hear him laugh, it's nice.

"Sure, whatever floats your boat. Want me to put on a movie ad well?"

I chuckle at his antics, "I wouldn't be apposed to watching a movie for our sleep over."

"Alright then, what are we watching?"

"Your the host, shouldn't you have this stuff planned out? Honestly konny, I expected better."

"You woke me up st 2 in the morning. I'm tired. I also didn't plan this."

"That's ok, you enjoy my company too much anyway."

He sets his mug down and grabs the TV remote.

He turns on to a random channel and goes to sit next to me on the couch.

"I am finishing my drink and going back to bed. You should too alto."

"Yeah, I'm halfway ahead of ya."

I suddenly feel very tired. Whether it was because of the hot coco or just because of how early in the morning it is I will never know.

We finished our drinks and fall asleep on his couch soon after.

It was very pleasant to say the least.

We'll have to do this more often on better nights.



Take this angst with fluff, and if you haven't read some of the alto clef stories from the scp wiki this will probably never make sense!

But that's fine, anyways,

Have a great day/night/afternoon/mornin!

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