"And where is Cid?" Hunter asked, keeping his blaster pointed at the man.

Roland frowned. "Cid's out. This parlor and Ord Mantell are now my territory. But if you're looking for work, I might have use for you." The green Devaronian offered.

Alona leaned towards Hunter. "Vi linibar at Slana'pir be olar. Bic cuyir not morut'yc par mhi." She warned.

We need to get out of here. It's not safe for us.

Hunter nodded subtly, sliding his blaster back into its holster. "We'll think about it." He lied, signaling for the other clones to do the same as him.

"You do that." Rolan smirked, watching the group of mercenaries walk out of the office.

The squad quickly retraced their steps through the city.

"We're getting off Ord Mantell. Tech, prep the ship. The rest of us will gather supplies." Hunter orders, taking Alona's words from the parlor seriously. If she says it's not safe, then it isn't safe.

Omega hesitated. "But...what about Cid? What did he mean when he said she was "out"?" She asked, speeding up to walk between Alona and Hunter.

Tech adjusted his goggles. "Given his tone, it is a plausible assumption that Cid was either forced out or taken out." He explained.

Omega ran in front of the group, stopping and holding out her hands. "Well, we have to find her and help her." She urged.

Alona looked up to see Cid leaning against the frame at the top of the steps of the Marauder. "Found her."

"Nice to see one of you cares. Inside. Now." She orders, disappearing inside of the Marauder.

Alona exchanged looks with Hunter before leading the squad up the steps. Those two regular customers that always played dejarik were sitting at a makeshift hologram table in the center of the ship. "Damn. Make yourselves at home." Alona muttered, earning a kick to the shin from Cid.

"So you boys met Roland." Cid begins, standing in front of the squad.

Hunter nods slowly, turning his head slightly to the side. He eyed Alona. "Alona apparently knows him, but yeah. Who is he?"

Cid glared at Alona. "I'm not surprised, Coo-Coo here finds trouble as a hobby." The reptilian woman said coldly. Alona's back straightened at the new nickname Cid had given her. "Roland is a former client and the son of crime boss Isa Durand. He's trying to make a name for himself by joining up with the Pykes."

"What's he doing on Ord Mantell?" Hunter asked, grazing his hand against Alona's in a subtle way. Alona's cheeks flush pink and she fights the urge to just lean against him. His touch.

"This port's connected to multiple hyperspace routes, ideal for smuggling. My parlor's right in the middle of the action. Roland saw the value in it and took it." Cid fumed, stomping her foot on the ground. Omega glanced up at Alona, sharing a bewildered look with her.

Alona pursed her lips, crossing her arms. "Let me guess, you're forcing us into taking it back for you?" She said in a knowing tone.

Cid nodded with a glint in her yellow reptilian eyes. "If I lose, you lose. Don't forget how good I've been at keeping secrets." She said threateningly, pointing an accusing finger at the Force user. Alona glared at her.

"I believe she's threatening us." Tech chimed, waving his finger in the air.

"You're quick." Cid retorted.

Omega walked over and stood beside Cid, facing the adult mercenaries. "When we needed help, we came to Cid, remember? Now she needs help. We can't just walk away." Omega finished, allowing Cid to wrap an arm around her shoulders.

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