Come otside! I have chinnese ☺️

I made my way around the back of the club and towards Judah's car, the alley on the way to the parking lot was very sketchy, so I made a point to stay on my phone. It felt safer, if anyone walked towards me there were less steps to call the cops. I hopped onto his trunk and sat patiently waiting for him to walk out of the back door. I would've gone inside, but they didn't allow any outside food or beverages. I was kicking my feet and humming the song from the uber, it was stuck in my head. A couple minutes passed, and I sang myself into a loop of the chorus over and over. I went on Spotify and hit shuffle play, trying to get the song out of my head. "PRBLMS" by 6LACK started playing, it wasn't very upbeat. But, I still caught a good vibe and sang along enthusiastically. I began to get hungry, so I took out my box of food and opened it on my lap.

The metal door creaked open and slammed shut, "Hey! Look who it is," Judah smiled, his arms were open. His outfit for work was simple, a black collared button up shirt. His sleeves were 3/4 length, complimenting his veiny forearms. He left the top buttons undone, exposing his collarbones and a bit of his chest. The shirt hugged him in all the right places, showcasing his athletic chest and arms. He always did his hair with minimal effort for work, a few strands hung in his face with the rest pushed back loosely with some kind of product. His hair was a nice lighter brown and it was cut in a curtain style. His hair gave Cole Sprouse vibes. The look was finished off with basic black jeans and black vans.

I squealed, "Finally!" I set my food on his trunk and hopped off of the car, almost falling on my way down. I laughed at myself, "Shit! It feels like I've been waiting forever."

"Are you fucking drunk?" He asked me seriously as he put his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes.

"I just got so lonely at home," My eyes avoided his, "And that big bottle was looking at me. You know?" I hugged him, "It said 'I'm lonely too Kyleigh'. So we had a bit of a party."

He hugged me back tightly, "Let's eat in the car."

"Okay," I pulled back smiling and grabbed the food as he unlocked his car. I made my way to the passenger side of his car with my hands full. Judah sat in the car and I paused at the door, trying to figure out how to open it. His head leaned over with a confused look on his face. He realized my dilemma and opened the door for me from the inside, laughing at my mistake.

"Why didn't you just set something on the roof? Or put your bag on your arm instead of in your hand?" He shook his head with a big smile as he grabbed the boxes of takeout from my hands.

"Listen," I dragged, slightly embarrassed, "I just wanted you to open the door for me." I put my purse on the floor of his car and paused the music on my phone, I closed the car door and put my phone in my bag. I remembered the shot of Jack Daniels I had in there and I rummaged around to find it.

"Here," Judah put my food on the center console and opened his, he already began shoveling food into his mouth when he said, "Thank you, I was craving this shit."

I smiled as I found the tiny bottle and opened it immediately, throwing my head back and emptying the contents into my mouth, "You're welcome," I said after I had finished swallowing.

"Christ. How much alcohol does one need? And why didn't you just fill a water bottle with the shit from home?" He was looking at me concerned, still chewing his food.

I shrugged and opened my food, placing the container on my lap, "How's work?" I evaded his questions because frankly, I didn't have any answers for him. I spun chow mien around my fork and took a bite.

"Good actually, tips are nice. Super busy, since it's Friday night," We both kept eating our food. He always got fried rice and this shrimp, chicken thing. I almost always ordered chow mein and their sweet and sour chicken. Sometimes I ordered their mandarin chicken and white rice instead, it just depended on my mood.

Balance, BabyWhere stories live. Discover now