Chapter 9: River Leading To Fear

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Alright read this cuz you gonna love it! 😂


Morning came while some of us slept while Callum is still examining the cube Rayla got. Though ever since we learn it can glow, I was curious to know more on what it can do. I walk towards Callum as he picks up the primal stone and the rune glows when its close to the primal stone.

YN: So what else can the cube do anyway?

Callum: Well so far only the sky symbol glows. I wonder...

Callum gets up and walk towards Rayla who's sleeping. He brings the cube closer to her and the moon rune started to glow. He does it multiple time which its starting to get funny but I stop as Rayla grabbed Callum to stop.

Rayla: This doesn't end well for you...

Callum fell back as I hold my laugh and Rayla sits up.

Callum: Last night you thought the cube was just a worthless toy. (Gesture the cube.) But now we know-

Rayla: Its a glow toy.

I notice Bait approach the cube and it started to glow when he got closer.

Callum: (Smiles.) Exactly.

Rayla: (Roll her eyes.) Exactly...

YN: Huh, I'm actually curious.

I pick up the cube and notice the earth rune glows but it glows very weakly.

YN: I think this thing is broken.

I look around the cube but notice the other runes did the same but weakly as the earth.

YN: Definitely broken.

I hand the cube back to Callum while Rayla gets up.

Rayla: Well I'm going to find some food.

YN: I'll gather some wood to start a fire.

Ezran: Wait, we've got food. (Pick up his bag.) We grabbed a snack of bread at the banther lodge.

Rayla picks up a bread out of the bag.

Rayla: I though this was a sack of clubs.

Rayla swing the bread like it was a weapon but she accidentally dropped it and as it fell, it landed on a rock and the bread cracked it which made us blank to see it.

YN: Wow...what kind of flour did they even use?

Ezran: (Picks it up.) No, its food...ish.

Ezran tries eat it but it was really hard.

Rayla: I'm...good.

Rayla walks away awkwardly. I then grab the bread from him so that he wouldn't hurt his teeth's.

YN: This'll come in handy someday.

Callum: (Sarcastic.) Oh yeah, the strongest weapon in the world.

YN: (Smiles.) Exactly. (Place it in his bag.) I'll go see if there's some dry wood.

They both nod as I head to the forest.

Rayla POV

I went far enough as I sat by the cliff. Taking a moment to view the land before looking at the ribbon I'm wearing. I look back just in case there's someone looking but no one, then I pull out my sword.

Rayla: (Sigh.) Here goes nothing. (Tuck the blade under the ribbon.) Easy now.

I try cutting it couple times but it didn't work, not even a scratch.

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