Book 2, Chp 5: Fire and Fury

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Callum POV

After we dock to the island, we went out separate way and we now travel on land. The sun started to set and we found a cave close by to rest for the night. Bait and I are  sitting by the cliff near the cave entrance while the rest are resting in the cave. Luckily Eita is a sunfire elf to keep the cave warm for a while. I was bored so I roll the cube towards bait at the sun rune glows when its close to him, then I pick it up before looking at it. Ever since dad gave me the scroll, it said that the cube is the key to something but I've been wondering what exactly is it.

Callum: (To Bait.) What do you think this thing is, anyway?

Bait: Snorts.

Callum: He said is was a key, but a key to what?

???: You practicing magic or are you losing to Bait at a take of rolly-cubes?

I look back and saw Rayla who then sit next to me before answering her question.

Callum: Magic. I think I'm getting close. There's so much swirling around in my head, but I need a way to bring it all together.

Rayla: Like some kind of breakthrough?

Callum: Yeah. What about you? You were born with the Moon Arcanum.

Rayla: Uh, I suppose so?

Callum: So when you do cool moon powers, you're connecting to the moon, right? What does that feel like?

Rayla: Uh, I don't really think about it. I just stand in the light of the full moon, and then there's a feeling like. (Mimic whooshing.)

Rayla: And then there's a sort of Ting! And then psha! Moonshadow powers!

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Rayla: And then there's a sort of Ting! And then psha! Moonshadow powers!

Her voice echoes thanks to the cave.

Rayla: Does that help?

Callum: No not at all. (Smiles.) But I enjoyed it.

???: What are you guys talking about?

We see YN walk towards us.

Callum: About magic, what about you? You were born with magic, right? Like how you got strong and using those weapons.

YN: I don't know, it just happens. Sometimes its like letting energy flowing through my body like a river.

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