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Aaravos: Long ago, Xadia was one land rich in magic and wonder in the old times there were only the six primal sources of magic the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky and the ocean. A human clan known as the Stone Tree, aided and shared the knowledge of magic to the elves whom trusted for peace. but a thousand years ago a human mage discovered new magic a seventh source dark magic it used the essence within magical creatures themselves to unleash dark power horrified by what they saw the elves and the dragon put a stop to the madness they drove every last human to the west but the Stones tree sworn that they shall not seek war against the elves for they do not wielded dark magic and so the continent was divided in two in the east the magical lands of xadia and in the west the human kingdoms.

As the scene changes to a volcanic land as a dragon appears

Aaravos: For centuries the king of the dragons himself defended the border

Then the dragon let out a mighty roar as thunder came roaring in as the two armies of men and elves watch.

Human Leader: forward!!!!!

Human army came charging in as the elves have their armies ready for battle as the dragon flew above them.

Aaravos: The humans called him thunder for when he spoke his voice shook the earth and sky.

The dragon lands scaring away some humans while it roared.

Aaravos: But on the eve of last winter's turn the humans used unspeakable dark magic to slay thunder then without mercy they destroyed his only egg his heir, the dragon Prince. The humans of stone tree arrive to the battle to defend the elves but they were too late for they witness the dark magic. Now the world stands on the edge of all out war.

They arrived during the battle but they've witnessed the recent event in the battlefield from the edge of the mountains. An old hooded man with armor along with a group of men behind him. The hooded man grips his fist seeing humans using dark magic and to make it worst, they've destroyed the dragon egg. One of his guards step up to question him.

Guard: Sir, what are your orders? Should we aid the elves and the dragon?

Hooded man: ...No.

The guard was shock to hear him to say no.

Guard: But sir, I understand that the humans broke our sacred trust but we should at least aid the elves-

Hooded man: I am well aware of it but I do not believe that the elves will trust us anymore especially the dragon and we've just witness the humans used dark magic in this war. They have destroyed our sacred oath and we can no longer trust them nor defend them from darkness. Order our men to fall back and sent word to any of our clan people to return.

Guard: Yes sir.

The guard heads back to the group and give them the order while the second guard hesitated yet ask him.

2nd guard: Is it wise sir?

Hooded man: To be honest, I do not know. But what I do believe is that one day it will be restored for the sake of the humans and the elves whether its us or not.

2nd guard: I'm afraid that will not be an easy task even for us sir. I only hope that someone have stronger will than us.

Hooded man: As do I old do I.

They join their group as the all leave beyond storms leaving a trace of mist of magic as a falcon soaring across the land.

Aavaros: And so they vanish with no trace, fearing that they have lost their trust from the elves, every Stone Tree knowledge and resources that both sides had was stripped away by the clan. As if they were nothing but ghosts. Many follows their whispers, none has succeed to find them.

As time pass by, we see a group of 6 humans scouts were traveling through the forest and as they stop their leader spoke up.

As time pass by, we see a group of 6 humans scouts were traveling through the forest and as they stop their leader spoke up

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Leader: We'll rest here for the day, let the horses rest for a while.

Scout: Yes King Harrow.

2nd scout: (Looks at the map before showing it to Harrow.) My king, there's a river with clean water not far from here on foot, we can give some to the horses while they rest.

Harrow: Very well, I shall go and find them, I'll take two volunteers while the rest set up for the night.

2nd scout: Yes my king.

Two volunteers went with Harrow to the river and gather some water. One of them asking Harrow from curiosity.

Scout: My lord, I understand you wish to join us to this scout. But for what reasons?

Harrow: Sometimes its to remind myself of my mistakes of the pass.

Scout: Oh...

Harrow: Try not to feel down. I also wanted some fresh air. (Smiles.) Even the royal family needs to go out sometimes.

Scout: Well I guess that makes sense-

Their conversation were interrupted by their scout shouting from distance.

3rd scout: Sire! I found someone!

They both join him and they saw the 3rd scout holding an unconscious child founded by the river with a wet bag on his chest. He seems to be around 7 years old.

Harrow: A child? What's he doing floating by the river?

3rd scout: I do not know, but take a look at his arms.

Harrow looks at the child's arms before his eyes widen from shock.

Harrow: This child, he's from the clan of Stone Tree. But how did he got here?

Both of them were shock to see a child from The Stone Tree as Harrow saw the bag on his chest. He takes a look at what's inside them before closing it back.

Scout: What should we do with him my king?

Harrow: ...I will raise him as my own son.

Scout: But sir, with his magic, maybe we can-

Harrow: He's just a child, he's too young to know and learn about magic. When the time comes, he'll learn how to use his magic. After all, none of us know how their magic works, only ones who know are the elves and his clan.

Scout: I understand sire.

Harrow: We return at dawn with him.

The scouts nodded as they return to the came with the child. The rest were shock to see him before Harrow fills them in about the child. Little did they know that they were being watch by a falcon from a tree.

Time skip ??? POV

I don't know how longs its been since I last fell at the river, hoping I would survive. As I open my eyes, I saw I was in a room before noticing a man with a crown along with two guards who are standing next to the bed I was on. I immediately back away a little.

Harrow: Its alright. We're not here to hurt you, you're safe.

???: S-safe?

Harrow: Yes, you're in my kingdom. Kingdom of Katolis. We found you at the river during the scout.

???: O-oh...

Harrow: Where are my manners, I am king Harrow. What is yours?

YN: YN. My name is YN.

The Dragon Prince//Male reader (On Hold Till Further Notice.)Where stories live. Discover now