Book 2, Chp 6: Falling Apart

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3rd POV

Its been a few hours since YN sense something dangerous and it raining heavily, he didn't know what exactly but definitely dangerous. He wish to know what, but his only concern is keeping his brothers and friends safe. They head back to the camp as Rayla and YN carried Callum who's too weak to walk on his own.

Rayla: Come on. We've got to keep moving. We're so close to the border. We could be in Xadia in just a few hours.

Ezran: I know we're close Rayla, but Callum's no doing well.

Rayla: That's his own fault for messing with dark magic.

Callum: Mhm. Yes, you're right. We must move onward.

Callum collapse but they caught him on time before he fell on a mud.

Callum: I'm okay. I just need to rest my eyes while we walk.

Eita: (To Rayla.) Ezran is right. Callum needs to rest.

Rayla: Fine, let's just go.

YN: I'll carry him.

Yn carries Callum up on his back and they continue onward. Soon theh made it to the cave and YN gently lay him down on the grown using his bag as a pillow for him.

Callum: I'm so uncomfortable.

Rayla: Uncomfortable with your choice to use dark magic, perhaps?

Ezran: Rayla!

Ezran moves his head to the left while Eita grabs some water for Callum.

Ezran: Is that any better?

Callum: So uncomfortable...

Eita: There's gotta be something we can do. YN?

YN was digging something in his bag and until he has couple of papers that some look to be ripped from a book.

Rayla: Where did you get those?

YN: I tore it from Claudia book when Callum had it.

Eita: Why would you tore some papers from her book?

YN: So that she wouldn't use one of these dark spells, perhaps we could get an advantage against it.

He looks at one paper after another until one got his attention.

YN: Here it is.

Ezran: What does it say?

YN: What happened when you use dark magic for the first time.

Eita: What does it say?

YN: Whatever Callum is facing, he's facing his inner darkness in his dreams. It'll get worst as long as its giving him what he wants.

Ezran: And if he accepted it?

YN: not know...

Eita: So how do we stop it?

YN: There's nothing we can do. He'll have to face it on his own. By getting what he needs, not what he wants.

Callum: (Sweating.) Who...who are you.

Ezran wipe off the sweat off of him with a napkin.

Rayla: He's delirious.

Ezran: Its getting worse.

Suddenly they hear stones clinking close by.

Eita: (Whispers.) We've been followed?

Rayla gesture quiet to Ezran before she, Eita, and YN got their weapons ready.

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