Book 5, Chp 2: The Sun Spirit

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3rd POV

It hasn't been long since YN saved his brother from the corrupted wolf. After that, they travel to Lux Aurea camp while they fill each other in of what Callum and Rayla are doing.

YN: So let me get this straight. You try to look for any information of Aaravos at Katolis library, but every page that has any information of him just blurs on its own, even with a small peek of the book.

Callum: Yup, every book and page about him just blurs like someone spilled the ink on it seconds ago.

YN: I'll bet Viren tried to do the same thing, but Aaravos was a step ahead to hide his true nature from Viren.

Callum: That way he'll know that Viren will trust him without knowing the fallen star.

YN: Like a sheep trusting a another without knowing what's behind the wool.

Eita: So while you were looking for information, Rayla found his mentors weapon. I gotta admit, its really impressive that it can turn from a bow into duel blades.

Rayla: Ethari made it for Runaan. But I'll carry it to honor him. At least until we can bring him back.

YN: Either way, we'll need all the advantage we can get.

Callum: So we can all came to an agreement, right?

Eita: Rayla weapons is one thing for advantage, but finding another advantage in Lux Aurea library? That's another.

Callum: Because of those corruption monsters?

Eita: Yes. Fortunately they only appear in the night.

YN: Sounds risky to go down there.

Rayla: A very big risk to take if the library has the knowledge we need.

Eita: If you're really planning to go there, we'll have to ask my aunt permission. After losing a lot of people, we couldn't risk letting everyone go there anymore unless its absolutely necessary for our people.

Rayla: Only questions is, will she allow us?

YN: I say probably not.

Callum: Why?

YN: Don't get me wrong, it'd be good if she did allow us, but what if the books at the Lux Aurea library ends up the same as the ones in Katolis when you look for information about Aaravos?

Callum: Aha, that's the thing. It covers everything about Aaravos. Not the fallen star elves. There's gotta be something for that at least.

Eita: Either way, first we'll have to meet my aunt. We're here.

They finally arrive and the guards notice the princes before they allow them to enter with their mounts as they're all walking through the campsite.

Rayla: This is... Definitely not Lux Aurea.

Eita: Still home for us.

???: Prince Callum! YN! Welcome!

They look and see it was Gren who welcomed them.

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