Book 4, Chp 3: The Fallen Star Speaks

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3rd POV

When they were at the Storm Spire, Ezran and Rayla fill them in on what happened and it was Ibis who sent the message about the staff of Ziard been stolen and the Fallen Star is back. Everyone entered the Storm Spire where YN lay Ibis body down and let Zubeia speak for Ibis death.

Zubeia: Ibis was more than a great mage, he was a great friend. Losing Ibis is heartbreaking.

YN: I don't understand, why and how wasn't this place fully guarded?

Ezran: Uh well the thing is.

Zubeia: King Ezran invited me and Azymondias to his kingdom.

YN immediately look at Ezran with concern look.

Ezran: I'm sorry, but I-

Zubeia: Azymondias and I accepted the invite. But we didn't know this will happen.

Zubeia defended him as YN sigh yet understand.

Ezran: YN, I didn't know.

YN: Ezran I forgive you as a brother but as a member of the Stone Tree clan, isn't gonna let this slide. Especially from Rolan.

Ezran couldn't say anything until YN speaks again.

YN: But they'll know you did the right thing.

Ezran: Really?

YN: (Nods.) Had you not invited them to your kingdom, someone could've harmed either of them like what Viren did to Thunder. Even so, I'll take the blame for not searching deeper if the threat.

Rayla: We should have.

Rayla place her hand on YN shoulder to comfort him since she also was part of the search.

Eita: I know its hard, I've lost my mother too. But right now we need to know what's next.

Zubeia: The princes is right, the world will face cascades of heartbreak and loss if we don't stop Aavaros.

Soon Pyrrah arrives with Callum and Soren on the back with the mirror. YN was a little happy to see his brother and his friend.

YN: Callum, Soren

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YN: Callum, Soren.

YN hugs them both but was cut short.

YN: I'm happy to you two. Though I wish it was in a better circumstances.

Callum: (Smiles.) At least its good to see you.

YN: (Smirk.) At least its good to know I'm taller now.

Callum: Hey!

Soren: Uh hate to break the reunion, but can one of you help me with this thing?

They see Soren is struggling with the mirror until YN helps him to place it down.

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