Chapter 28: Bertrand Takes Stage

Start from the beginning

I speak up.

“It’s about time you and I have a chat,”

“I’ve got nothing to say to you, freak. Especially after you caused damage to my car,”

“Cut the crap. You’re gonna take me to Wolfe. Now!”

Bertrand starts to chuckle.

“Oh ho.. If I were you, I’d be more worried about my head,”

Confused, I look up only to be met with the landing skid of a helicopter hitting me square in the face and flinging me off the limo.

While I’m in the air, I do a few flips and land on my back. My vision is heavily blurred as I struggle to get up. 


By the time I regain my vision, the helicopter launches two rockets at me. I run in the opposite direction as the rockets explode behind me.

When I turn around, the helicopter seems to stare me down and I stare right back. 

I use my newly acquired kinesis to lift nearby cars and launch them at the helicopter. The helicopter tries to dodge them but fails and crashes into a nearby building, significantly decreasing its height. Taking this opportunity, I run and jump onto the helicopter just as it starts to rise back up. 

I lift myself up and look the pilot in the eyes, as the pilot looks back the color drains from his face. As I hang onto the helicopter, I lift my hand up and puncture the side of the helicopter, causing significant damage. I hop off the helicopter and land on the ground. I aim at the helicopter and launch one final blast, causing it to explode.

“Yeah! Hit me in the head again!”

Just then, I get a call from Zeke.

“Damn man, Kuo never told us this town was overrun by a pack of inbred shirtless crocodile freaks,”

“I know, it’s pretty cool right?”

“Oh, completely. Totally makes up for the Militia being here. And it gets even better, man, I think I might have stumbled onto a lead to Wolfe. Overheard some folks talking about a strange device they found down on Gaffney street,”

“Cool, I’ll give it a look,”

I hang up.

After a short walk, I arrive on Gaffney street. A huge crowd catches my attention. I run over and see what looks like a bomb attached to the side of a building.

The bomb is being powered by electricity. So, I drain it of it’s electricity, disabling it. The bomb starts to fall apart, revealing the blast shards powering it.

“Oh, bingo,”

I grab the blast shard and absorb it into my body.

I call Zeke.

“Hey, Zeke, looks like someone’s making bombs out of blast shards,”

“That’s all the more for you to collect, right?”


“So, just look out for more of those shard bombs, make you stronger,”

Zeke hangs up, then Kuo calls me.

“Hey, Cole, you know what, I hit up all my old connections, but the closest I’ve come to finding Wolfe is Bertrand’s interrogator. The guy’s currently winning it really big at Black Jack, but he should be visiting Wolfe later on. I would tail him myself, but he just hit on me at the bar,”

“Alright, send me the casino’s location. I can follow this guy from the rooftops, he won’t see me. People don’t look up,”

“Good call,”

Kuo hangs up and my phone pings. 

With that, I head over to the casino.

When I arrive at the casino, I climb up to the top and call Kuo.

“Alright, I’m in position above the casino. Let me know when our guy’s on the move,”

“Might be a while. He’s still doing pretty well at the table,”

“Well then, might get a little rest,”

I hang up and lay down.

My eyes drift close as I fall asleep.

Suddenly, I open my eyes to darkness. 

“The hell? Did I oversleep or something?”

I sit up and from behind me, I hear an echoey voice.


I turn around and see John.


“We’re friends, aren’t we?”

“Of course. You were there for me when others weren’t-”

“You trust me too, right?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong man? Wait, better question, why are you here? I thought you were dead,”

“When the time comes, I need you to trust me,”

After that, he starts to walk away.

“When the time comes? John!”

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