Chapter 17

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'Bianca?' Annie's less surprised by the fact that I'm here unannounced, than she is by my appearance. 'What happened to you?'

'I'm fine,' I say. My face is still wet from tears. 'Can I stay here tonight?'

'Of course.' Annie moves away from the door to let me in. She gives me a hug first and then we walk to the kitchen.

She's home alone; I can't be grateful enough for that. This way I'll have a chance to tell her the whole story without interruption.

'I'm making hot chocolate. D'you want some?'

I don't say anything. Instead, I lean on the kitchen counter and rest my head on my hands.

'Of course you do, what a silly question.'

I hear a lot of clanking and jingling before the pleasant, familiar smell of chocolate reaches my nostrils. It might actually make me feel better.

Annie's bringing two cups with a smurf print and I'm laughing at the irony of it.

'What's funny?'

'Nothing,' I take one cup and we move on to her bedroom. 'Where are your parents?' I ask, since I'm not used to seeing her home alone.

'At grandma's. Pretending they're still a couple.'

'Are they?'

'I'm not sure.' Annie lets out a sigh. 'Back to you, girl. Did somebody beat you up?'

'I wish.' This comes out with a sob.

At the time we already reach her room and she helps me reach the bed, so I wouldn't drop on the floor.

'Heeey, what happened? Did you talk to Ted?'

'He talked to me. Like he would to an idiot!' Here I break down and the next few minutes I'm just a crying mess on my best friend's shoulder.

Annie brings tissues and doesn't ask any questions. When I calm down, I tell her about the afternoon I spent at the shack with the last person who deserves to bring me there.

'That's it,' I say when I finish. 'I'll never get out of the house again.'

Annie smiles questioningly.

'Can I say what I think?'

'Can I stop you?'

Annie puts her cup on the night table and turns to me with her hands folded. She's so funny when she's serious.

'I think he's terribly honest and mature, like nobody I've ever met.'

'That's the conclusion you made from everything I told you?' I gape at her in awe.

'Well, think about it. He obviously realized you're into him, he could have pretended to want a relationship, then he could know... taken advantage of you easily.'

'Because he's Justin Bieber himself and I can't think with my own head?'

'Come on, Bianca, you know how it works.'

'Actually, I don't.'

'Okay, I don't either, but it must be intense when you're around somebody all the time, kissing him...touching him...'

We both get lost in a daydream. I don't know what Annie sees in hers, but mine is practically a personal presentation of Ted Anderson.

'And, you know, one thing leads to another...'

'I've always been wandering what that means.'

'That's the way guys deceive girls, Bianca. You must know that.' She strikes a pose like a professor giving a lecture. 'It's an old craft men have been passing down from generation to generation.' Her voice is theatrical. 'Boy meets girl. Boy tells girl he loves her. Girl gives in. Boy dumps girl. Boy moves on.'

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