Chapter 12

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It's another Saturday and I sit at Ted's room, practicing for our upcoming competition. My life is a row of Saturdays now, with gaps in between filled with trivial events and activities. Saturday is like a day for a favorite TV show, except that watching the show doesn't include anxiety, worrying about what I'm going to wear or whether I washed my hair.

'I'm thirsty. You heated up the room like it's December.'

'Well, it's October. And you said you were always cold. I put the heating on for you.' Ted switches off the AC.

I take off my sweater and now I'm wearing only a t-shirt. It's a plain cotton t-shirt, but it fits perfectly and I like it a lot. And judging by the way he just looked at me, so does Ted.

I blush. Again! I bet he's terribly amused.

'Er...I need water. I can go grab it myself if that's okay.' That's the best I come up with.

'Sure, help yourself. Can you get me something to drink too?'

'Okay. I'll be back in a sec.' Ted stays in his room, immersed in his notes. He's doing great, I must admit. More than great. I'm starting to think he's doing some preparations on his own before we meet.

I walk briskly down the corridor towards the kitchen. The house is starting to feel familiar, at least one part of it. I'm afraid I'll get too relaxed around it, it would be so rude.

Just as I'm about to bust into the kitchen, I see a woman in a grey suit standing next to the open fridge, searching for something. She looks like she just came from the office, which she probably did. Her hair is gathered in a perfect bun and she wears just about the right amount of make up. The fridge light illuminates her face and I see a pair of familiar blue piercing eyes, just like the ones I dream about almost every night.

So, that's the mother...

'Hello,' I say from the door not sure how she'll react when she sees a stranger in her house. She turns her head in my direction, not particularly surprised. That must be what it's like when you live with so much staff around.

Her face softens and she flashes a cordial, but still reserved smile. 'Hi there. You must be Bianca.'

I nod my head, relieved.

'The genius girl?' she continues.

'Er...if you say so...' Now I'm shocked.

'Ted says so. I'm glad he's finally around someone more...intellectual. He spends too much time at practice. I don't want him to get dull like most sportsmen.

'Aha,' I'm still standing at the door.

'You know when they interview them on TV and they say things like 'It was a tough game' or 'We have to stay focused'. You know what I mean?

'Exactly,' I respond obediently.

'Anyway, I don't wanna keep you any more.' This is the shortest that anybody has ever kept me.

She closes the fridge and heads out to the yard, carrying a bag of nuts in her hand. 'Tell Ted I expect to see him at dinner tonight.'

'Okay,' I say timidly. When she's finally out of sight, I get the drinks and return to Ted's room.

'What's that snicker about?' Ted doesn't miss a thing.

'I just met your mother.'

'Yeah? What did she say?'

'She says she expects to see you at dinner.'

'This is not why you're grinning. What happened?'

'Nothing.' I have to wipe this smirk off my face. He can find out easily that I'm happy because he called me a genius. What would that make me look like?

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