Chapter 3

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'Hi honey!' I hear my mum cheering from the front door. She's been waiting for my return impatiently and prepared a happy face to lift me up if needed.

Mom says that people are simple, and based on that, very predictable. She forgets that she's predictable too, especially in the role of an anxious mother.

'I made your favorite meal!' She leans to kiss me on the cheek.

'Sounds like you were slaving in the kitchen all afternoon,' I'm teasing her. My favorite meal is baked potatoes with tomato salad, as weird as it sounds. Also, those are two foods I should avoid based on the blood type diet. I stopped consuming meat two years ago when I decided I didn't like it any more.

'That's not the point. I prepared your favorite. If Indian food was what you wanted, I would've made chutney myself.'

'Well you're lucky I don't like it then. I can't imagine you squashing tomatoes till you drop.' I look at her with gratitude and enter the house.

Much to mom's delight, I'm not as cranky as she expected me to be.

'So today wasn't that bad, I'd say?' She's still studying my face.

'I thought we had therapy for dessert? I haven't washed my hands yet, mom.'

'I'm just asking, sorry.' She goes to the kitchen to prepare the dishes.

My dad is at the dining table, reading the newspaper. 'Hi sweetie, how was it?'

'Fine dad.' I kiss him on the cheek. 'What's up?'

'You mean in our family or in the world?' He puts the newspaper down.

'In the world, dad. I hope there's no news in the family.' I pull a chair and sit next to him. The dining table is big enough for six people, but we like to sit next to each other.

'I don't know, honey, there's so many wars and so much misery all around the world. I feel guilty about the dinner I'm about to eat,' he says with a worried face.

'Well, you can give me your apple pie if that's gonna help.'

'Bianca...' Dad gives me a look of disapproval.

'I know, I know, I'm kidding.' I dig into the nuts mom always serves before dinner 'to get us off her back,' as she once said, in case the food is late or something. 'Well, hasn't it always been like that? I mean, there were two world wars in the last century only. The situation now at least seems more...controlled?'

'Well yeah, if you put it like that. But there's all kinds of new weapons now and new ways to make wars. So for those affected, it's not much of a consolation.'

'It will take a long time before a human race achieves the level of consciousness at which we'll stop fighting for good. Even if we stop the wars, different, more subtle conflicts will take place.' Mom is bringing a tray with food from the kitchen.

That's how it is in the Hughes residence. No gossip or trivial conversations; only politics, history, science etc.

I run to the bathroom to wash my hands before the meal and then I go back to the dining room. I'm too hungry to change my clothes now.

'How was school honey?' my mom is eager to hear. I'm aware she's noticed that I'm in a much better mood that she'd expected me to be, but I don't really want to discuss it with her now, not before I discuss it with myself. I've been feeling jittery all day after that talk with Ted and I'm not even sure why. I'll leave that introspection session for later, when I'm finally alone in my room.

I dig into my potatoes instantly. 'Not bad. Ms White sent my application for The Physics Games'.

'That's wonderful, honey! Especially if you're still into the idea of engineering studies,' my dad is thrilled.

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