Chapter 8

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'Why do I have to put makeup on to eat pizza?'

'We're not going to Italiana to eat pizza! Okay, I am, but actually, we're going out on a Friday night. That's a huge deal in our age, you know!' Annie says that if I live like an old person now, I might wish to live like a teenager later, which might become a big problem.

'I don't feel like socializing tonight, I'll stay at home and read.'

'You never feel like socializing. Get your butt over here or I'll come over there to drag you out!'

'Okay,' I give up. 'You're so brutal for a girl.'

'I'm brutal, full stop. Don't make me wait!' Annie hangs up before I get to say anything.

Being pushed in a corner, I start getting ready. I take a quick shower and put on my new pants and a white t-shirt. I don't forget to tuck it in. It got chilly in the evenings, so I take out this short, turquoise jacket from the closet, the one that mom got me on a summer sale. Needless to say that I wasn't present at the moment. I choose my white sneakers; they're so simple and go with everything. My hair is clean, so I let it down and comb it with my fingers only; it has more volume that way. Did I just think volume? Please, don't let real Bianca hear this!

My parents are watching TV in the living room, as usual. They're more than surprised to see me going out on a Friday night.

'Are you going to a party?' mom asks hopefully.

'I couldn't really call it that.'

'Do you need a ride?' dad offers while mom is trying to fix something on my jacket that nobody else sees.

'Thanks, but I'll walk to Annie's and then we'll take a bus.'

'Okay, honey, have fun,' dad gets back to History Channel, but mom can't let go that easily. She walks me to the door with a mix of worry and excitement on her face.

'Do you need more money?' she asks.

'No, mom, I'm good. It's not a fancy place or anything.'

I give her a peck on the cheek and rush into the dark. She must get inside eventually.

I walk briskly a couple of blocks until I reach Annie's house. It's the whitest one in the row, with a tall gate and bushes that look like barb wire. As I approach the entrance, Annie opens the door with a sheet mask on her face. I almost scream, startled.

'As if you're not scary enough without it!' I get inside.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are sitting in the dining room. The door is open and I peak in to say hello.

'Hey, Bianca, we haven't seen you in a while!' Mrs. Cooper exclaims. She runs toward the door and gives me a big hug.

'How are you, Mrs. Cooper?'

'Never better,' she flashes her Hollywood smile, almost blinding me.

Annie's arm is entangled with mine and I feel it pulling me her way descretely.

'Bianca, is your dad still going fishing on Saturdays?' Mr. Cooper's voice rings from the inside. I'd like to try it out; my wife says it suits my age.'

'As long as mom gives him a break from household chores.'

They laugh in unison. Annie decides to end the perfect family scene and drags me to her bedroom.

'They're such actors. As soon as you leave they'll start throwing ashtrays at each other.'

I really empathize with her. She's doing great, considering...A slam of the door was a little loud, though...

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