Chapter 11

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I get out of my English class and rush to the locker to leave the books I don't need any more. Today I'm gonna get to the cafeteria before everyone else, so I don't have to wait in the line for ten minutes. I told Annie I'd meet her there, so we don't waste time.

As I approach the area, I spot Ted next to his locker, talking to Eric and Kim. He doesn't see me coming, so I just mind my business and pretend I don't see him either. I'm trying to find my French textbook before I unload the contents of my bag into the locker. It is as messy as such a small space can be, because I never have enough time to do something about it.

'Hey, B,' a voice behind my back startles me.

I turn around and see the face haunting my thoughts constantly materialize.


'I saved you as B in my phone.'

'Not that I call you all the time to remind you.'

'I have a good memory.'

'Aha, we'll see in the competition.'

He stifles a smile and keeps staring at me.

'You left early yesterday.'

So, he noticed. He's standing close in front of me, with his hands in his pockets. I lean against the lockers since my legs start shaking.

'Too much cheering gives me a rash.'

'Well, then...'

'By the way, congrats! You did great, I mean, that's what it looked like to me.'

'I told you it wouldn't be too boring.'

'I'm sure it's not to you when the whole gymnasium is screaming your name. I didn't know you were a star.'

'You do now,' he's gleaming.

'Well, that explains a lot.' I say ambiguously. He takes it as well as usual. Over his shoulder I see Kim and Eric gazing in our direction.

'Who's your friend?' He asks after a pause.

'What friend?'

'The one you left with yesterday?'

Wow, so not only did he notice I left, he also knows with whom.

'Mark's a guy from my neighborhood.'

'Is he your boyfriend?'


'What? No. He was...I mean, he's my ex-boyfriend...if that qualifies as a relationship.'

'Why, what was missing?'

Did I hear it right?? I'm blushing from head to toe while he's standing there still, as cool as his blue eyes piercing right into my head. Are we gonna have this conversation here, in the hall? Are we gonna have this conversation at all?

My phone rings and I rush to answer it.

'Where are you? You were supposed to be here already.' I hear Annie's voice from the other side.

'I'm coming in a minute.' I hang up and dare to look at Ted again. He's sill waiting for my response with his eyebrows raised.

'Listen, superstar, I have to go back to my commoner friends now, so we'll have to postpone the conversation about my personal life for later or...never,' I'm trying to look as composed as I can.

He's nodding his head, sneering. 'You were saved by the bell...for now.'

'Actually, I was saved by...' pointing at my phone in the air, but I decide not to finish the sentence. 'Bye-bye,' I say impatiently and almost run down the hall.

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