Chapter 10

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I can't believe it myself, but I am sitting in the bleachers of our school gymnasium, waiting for the game to start. Our Falcons are playing a friendly match with Hawks, a basketball team from the neighboring school and every seat in the room is taken. Annie's here too, she joined as support, to support me and to support her love for muscular guys, mostly Derek, to be exact. Stacy and the girls are already on the court doing their routine. The music is so loud that I have to cover my ears. The crowd is cheering and whistling; the whole scene reminds me of Ben Hur.

'Wow,' Annie is astonished by our cheerleaders' choreography. 'They're so...'

'Flexible, I know.'

'I wonder who was helping Stacy stretch.' Annie cracks up laughing, but I can't even smile thinking how real that idea could be.

Stacy's not only hot, she's self confident, dominant and full of life and it shows in her every move and gesture. If it's true that people who look good feel good, Stacy must be over the moon.

Knowing that Ted chose someone like her to be with shatters every hope I ever dared to have and puts me at the end of the line of his admirers, being the exact opposite and all. The fact that Stacy is not the sharpest tool in the shed is not much of a comfort since it doesn't seem to be too important, at least not in high school.

The girls are done with their routine and the players enter the court. The crowd is screaming like there's no tomorrow and I feel like such an intruder, not being able to understand all the excitement over a simple basketball game. I'm turning to Annie looking for an ally, but she's currently occupied with ogling at two dozens of well built young men in jerseys.

'You're gonna make such a wonderful cougar one day,' I tease her.

'You better watch in front of you, miss smarty!' Saying this, she's rolling her eyes gesturing towards the court.

I didn't have to look to know what, or better, who she's referring to. Ted Anderson, the reason why I'm wasting time in such a foolish way today, is out there, warming up with the guys. I haven't seen him in a jersey before; his arms look more muscular, his shoulders even broader. After a round of jump shots (the term I picked up only this week when I sneaked up on my dad watching a game), Ted starts looking around scanning the mass of people in the bleachers. He does it again later, like he's looking for someone. Annie and I sit close to the court, but all the way to the left, near the exit. That was my special request before I even agreed to come; I need a way out if this charade gets unbearable.

'Who is he looking for?' Annie noticed the same, 'Over here!' she exclaims with a wave. Whether she gets to draw his attention or accidentally, I don't know, but Ted looks our way and smiles. Then he goes back to warming up, like he found what he was looking for.

I feel like I'm struck by lightening. Did that just happen? Was he looking for me all the time?

'Did that just happen? Was he looking for you all the time?' Annie's eyes are doing the thing.

I can't respond since I'm still in shock. So, that wasn't a casual invite, he really wanted me here. If he wasn't sneering every time we talk, maybe I could figure out what's behind that chill attitude. But then he wouldn't be Ted, the coolest guy in school, would he?

'Girl, Ted Anderson can't play without you cheering.' Annie's on a roll.

'Remind me to smack you in the face for that wave,' I retort after I recover a bit.

'At least now we know he's gonna do his best at the game! Go Falcons!' she's whistling with her fingers and I can't believe what I'm seeing.

'Are you watching games without me?'

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