The planet was poor in resources and the environment was very bad. Gu Huai already knew this after two days of living here.

On this planet, there were no other intelligent creatures other than him and the Tak.

Most of the native species that could adapt to the planet's harsh environment were ferocious but naturally, they were nothing in front of the Tak.

Their king was in the cave and the large and dangerous Tak guarded the entrance of the cave. They were highly protective and directly attacked anything that attempted to go near the cave.

They didn't engage in any negotiations. The act of approaching the nest was marked as a threat in the eyes of these Tak.

The threat must be handled because their king couldn't be harmed.

Gu Huai had the experience of these two days and was very aware that the Tak's protective mentality was like a parent. It wasn't until something happened this morning that Gu Huai knew the extent to which these parents would protect him.

Even a yellow butterfly that flew to the mouth of the cave was dangerously close to dying.

Gu Huai prevented this scene from happening and his lips slightly twitched.

This world was truly wonderful. A fragile creature such as a butterfly tenaciously survived on this barren planet that ordinary large beasts couldn't survive on.

The butterfly who didn't know it almost died flutters its wings as it flew and landed on the back of Gu Huai's hand.

It was indeed a butterfly. It might've adapted to the environment and become a variation but it still didn't have any lethality.

The moment the butterfly rested on the back of Gu Huai's hand, the Tak Zerg around him instantly tightened their vertical pupils.

The Tak Zerg might be listening to Gu Huai and didn't attack but they sent a hoarse warning sound from their throats, scarlet vertical pupils staring straight at the butterfly.

"It won't hurt me." Gu Huai slowed down his voice and patiently explained.

Seeing that this Tak Zerg were unmoved, Gu Huai looked at the butterfly and suddenly went on tiptoe, putting the butterfly on the sharp forearm of the Tak Zerg in front of him.

The yellow butterfly obediently parked there. It was so weak that it couldn't feel the danger around it.

Good features required embellishment. Gu Huai felt that the butterfly on the Tak's forearm made this scene very lively and harmonious.

"Look, isn't it beautiful?" Gu Huai said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, the Tak Zerg with the butterfly on its sharp forearm cocked its head. The scarlet eyes stared at the butterfly for a moment before looking up at Gu Huai, low voice coming from its throat.


This word was outside the Tak's scope of understanding but since the young man's eyes curved in a smile when he said it, they believed this word represented good things.

Of course, in the eyes of these Tak Zerg, the best thing in the world was the black-haired youth in front of them.

There was nothing for entertainment on this abandoned planet and outside the huge cave, Gu Huai could see a barren scene.

Dust flew, vegetation was very sparse and no water could be seen.

However, after going east, a small forest could be seen. The fruit that Gu Huai previously ate had been picked by the Tak from this forest.

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