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Third-Person POV; 3:02 a.m

What other choice did he have but to dance?

"You're quite light on your feet, I couldn't help but notice."

A strong arm was tucked behind the bend of Shouyou's back, and he was dipped downward until his vision was completely upside down. Straightening back out made him dizzy for a moment.

There's an alluring air of mystery around Shouyou that Sakusa can't seem to pull himself out of. His fellow gang members hidden among the crowd had never seen the black-haired male so amused.

"Of course I am. What would you expect from a dancer?"

"Haha, you're different from everyone else. I can see why the Miyas have taken an interest in you. You've quite the mouth on you."

Shouyou shivered as a hand ran along the curve of his mask, then down his neck with a gentle, yet dominant grip.

He turned his head harshly to the side and quickly tried to cover it up when Sakusa's mouth twisted into a devious, interested grin.

"How so?"

The question he was answered with wasn't what he was expecting at all, so, when the words left Sakusa's mouth, Shouyou nearly stumbled when he was spun in a half-circle.

"Have you ever tasted a plum before?"

"Huh? Yes?"

Sakusa chuckled, and Shouyou couldn't help but notice that the hands that were running along his body at a steady pace, inconspicuous way were suddenly settled on either one of his hips. The grip from these hands was unbelievably tight.

"Hm, you're just like one. Juicy and delightful, surrounded by a sweet, fruity scent, but if you fall far enough, it seems as if you'd turn to mush."

All of a sudden, Shouyou found himself pressed impossibly closer to Sakusa's large, seemingly unmovable body, and their faces were a mere inch apart.

Every part of his body burned and ached to step back, but he couldn't cause each step he took was mirrored by Sakusa.

There was such an intense hunger in Sakusa's eyes that Shouyou found himself nearly falling into a state of panic as a mouse would when cornered by an owl. He feared that if he was to speak up right now, any word he uttered would be swallowed by this predator.

"Let me see who's beneath this mask," Sakusa uttered closely to Shouyou's ear, almost as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him. Shouyou didn't think anyone could over the screeching ballroom music and the loud chatter of everyone dancing and laughing around them.

Sakusa's finger pulled at the end of his mask, but Shouyou was quick to act, doing the first thing he could think of. He took a hold of Sakusa's hand and pulled it around his waist, then worked his body to fit the large form of this puppet master.

Now, the space Shouyou had finally managed to work between them was gone once more.

"Let's just enjoy this dance. There's no need for you to see my face, right? It wasn't a part of the deal."

Shouyou won the performance, so he won a dance with Sakusa. That's all there is to it. Shouyou knows that if Sakusa takes his mask off, there'll be a chance that his disguise will be compromised. All he needs is some inform- Wait a minute.

Being held so tightly against Sakusa like this, Shouyou was able to register something that everyone around them could never see, could never feel.

Sakusa's got a hard-on.

A plan began to click together in Shouyou's mind. It's no wonder why Sakusa was so determined to keep the distance between them to a minimum.

The friction and warmth coming from Shouyou's body must feel like heaven to Sakusa, though Shouyou wasn't sure how this hard-on came about in the first place.

"Sakusa... Sama, I hope I don't sound impolite, but why hold such an event, anyway? Did you have an intention, or is it all just tomfoolery?"

Sakusa's breathing was growing shallow the more they swayed and turned. Shouyou tried desperately to relax his muscles and make a show of his body- hips and waist in particular- because that's where Sakusa's attention was.

"I'll tell you if you agree to a private dance. Just us. I have a room on the third floor already prepared."

Shouyou's hand was linked with Sakusa's almost like some leash dragging him through the thick crowd the moment Shouyou nodded his head in agreement.

It seems Sakusa couldn't wait to get out of there. When they arrived at the third floor, the music was but a distant thump, and the chatter was hardly within earshot.

"Here. I'll have a drink prepared for us. You must be weary from all that dancing."

This is perfect, Shouyou thought, though his heart still pounded as if it were going to jump out of his throat. All he has to do is keep Sakusa interested, and all that information is his.

If he's lucky, he can figure out where the bomb is and relay the location to his teammates, who are busy trying to save all these innocent people.

As Sakusa's back was turned, Shouyou took in a deep breath and pumped his fist at his side. For the people, for himself, and for his squad members, he'll do his best.

"Why don't we..."

He sauntered over slowly, Sakusa's eyes locked onto Shouyou's stunning movements.

"... Just talk?"

He didn't expect Sakusa to grab him so quickly, nor did he expect to be pressed up against the wall. The shock traveled down his spine and he hardly had time to register the hand on his face until his mask was already torn off and tossed onto the floor.

"Ah, I knew it~"

Fear beyond anything Shouyou's felt before nearly buckled his knees with its weight. His vision shook, his breathing hitched, and when Sakusa used his hand to direct Shouyou's vision to the smirk on the curly-haired male's lips, he thought he might pass out.

Did he recognize him? Even with the dyed hair?

"Your face... is outstanding~ I hope you haven't been teasing me this whole time just for fun."

A relief like no other swept over Shouyou's body. He almost let a sigh slip out.

"Wouldn't dream of it, Mr. plum."

"Haha! Yeah, that's what I assumed."

Again, those strong hands traced up Shouyou's body, this time, since no one was around to see, Sakusa made sure they pulled Shouyou's clothes up in their wake. Shouyou was happy he had made the decision to keep his knives with Kageyama.

His leg was lifted over Sakusa's shoulder as they stood up against the wall. He seemed to take a strange interest in Shouyou's flexibility, but, soon, his attention drew to Shouyou's face, his lips to be more precise.

Oh, god, he was gonna kiss him. Shouyou's eyes fluttered shut, and he prepared himself for the lips that would surely press against his, but they never came.

"You... remind me of someone. What's your name?"

Just as Shouyou was about to be found out, a loud knock sounded on the door. Sakusa's once curious gaze turned into an agitated snarl at the innocent door blocking him from the interrupter.

Shouyou thanked whoever was on the opposite side of that door.


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