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Shouyou's POV

"The gun..!" Akaashi's words were much too late, Shouyou grabbed the back of Bokuto's neck, pulled him close to his body, grabbed his arm, and flipped him onto the floor.

"Agh, fuck..!"

While everyone was tossed into a sudden state of shock, Shouyou rushed out of the cell door and slammed it shut.


Once his seething session was over, he got the gun off the floor, put it on safety, and left to return it. Elise was at his side the moment the door opened, Shouyou was glad he didn't need to use her to call for help.

They returned the gun to the weaponry room and he was sure to take the time to clear his head from all the events that had just happened.

When he came back, he heaved a heavy sigh. "I was going to tell you guys that you have volunteer duty with me tomorrow. I was happy for you because I figured you could use the fresh air, but now I'm reluctant to even take you to the fucking bathroom."

"We're sorry, Officer. It's just been boring here. We crave excitement!" Tanaka cried, hoping to somehow dissuade Shouyou's denial of their temporary release.

"What will we be doing, anyway?"

"We'll be cleaning the park up and helping the staff and elderly people after. It's gonna be a long day, so make sure you get plenty of sleep."

Shouyou plopped down at his desk and glanced over at Bokuto, who seductively licked his lips in reply. "Ugh..."


"Nishinoya, stop trying to run off! Bokuto, don't swing the shovel around!"

Shouyou snagged Nishinoya by the back of his jumpsuit and snatched the shovel out of Bokuto's hand. "Seriously," he huffed, "It's like I'm babysitting a bunch of toddlers."

Everyone was covered in sweat, especially Shouyou, who was pretty much doing all the work since everyone felt the need to fuck around.

He had a white t-shirt on beneath his uniform that clung to his skin thanks to all his sweat, he pinned his hair back with a clip an older woman had given him.

The park looked a lot better already. The statues were cleaned, the benches were fixed, the trail was almost completely dug out again, and the only things left to finish were the trail and the tree trimming.

"Geez, I'm sorry, little one~ Did I make you- oof! You fucker!"

Bokuto gripped at his side, which Shouyou had skillfully aimed a knee to, and glared at Shouyou's unimpressed look.

"It's okay to have a little fun, but remember, we'll be out here all day 'til you finish your part." He let go of the shovel and walked away just as its handle came down to smack Bokuto upside the head.

"God, damn it, Shouyou!"

Despite his words, Bokuto huffed and began aggressively digging once more. Nishinoya laughed at him.

While everyone was busy, Shouyou went to check on the elderly people at the picnic tables. "Here you go, Sunshine, some water."

An older woman handed him a bottle of water, he thanked her and chugged a good portion of it before pouring the rest into Elise's water bowl. "Are you guys okay? The food truck should be here in about an hour from now."

"We're all good! I'm killing Fuji at chess! Ahaha!"

The chess group had joined the yoga group, unexpectedly. They were all taking a break, now, choosing to play in the shade rather than the burning sun.

"You have fun with that, then, Mr. Yato!"

Shouyou walked back to the trees to pick up the gardening clippers and began snapping at the overgrown branches again.

"Whew..." Most of the others had their jumpsuits tied around their waist, much like Shouyou had done with his uniform, and some had their shirts off.

He decided to take his off as well and tossed it onto a nearby bench before getting back to work. "You need a hand, Officer?"

Someone gripped his waist and lifted him up and over their shoulders. "What are you doing, Daichi?"

"Just giving a helping hand is all. Can you reach, now?"

Shouyou wanted to refute, but he could, actually, reach the branches better. "Yeah, thanks."

"Daichi, you ass! I wanted to do it!"

"Well, you were too slow! Get back to work!"

Tanaka stormed off, Nishinoya stuck his tongue out at him, but he only rolled his eyes in reply. Shouyou leaned over a bit too far and nearly lost his balance. His thighs instinctively tightened around Daichi's head, and his small hand found its way into his dark, sweaty hair.

"Ah, that was a close one... Sorry 'bout that."

Daichi could see why Bokuto couldn't control himself around Shouyou. Just his touch alone was enticing to the point Daichi's knees nearly gave out.

"With all you guys helping like this, it gives me a bit of hope."

Daichi's grip tightened on Shouyou's thighs as he tried not to think of anything indecent at the moment.


"Well, I don't think you guys would do good in rehabilitation, so, I was thinking that, if you stay on the right path, you could enter the police course and help out with cleaning this city. It'd suit you a lot better than sitting at an office with a person holding a clipboard."


They had never realized how delusional Shouyou was. Thinking back on it, Daichi could admit that Shouyou's the only person to ever give them a chance at a different life. It wasn't that they wanted to change their lives, but it did feel nice to have options.

Shouyou's rather trustworthy for a cop, isn't he?

"Alright, I think that does it for this one. Can you put me down?"

The temptation to prove to Shouyou that he shouldn't let his guard down was certainly strong, so strong that Daichi couldn't stop himself from grabbing Shouyou's wrist and spinning him off his body.

Shouyou yelped, the clippers dropped to the ground and his legs wrapped around Daichi's upper body. His hands were tightly threaded with the taller male's, it was the only thing keeping him from folding backward.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted with Daichi's spiteful smirk. "You're a dick." Shouyou unlatched his legs and let himself fall to the ground, Daichi let go of his hands and straightened himself out.

"Just goes to show you that you shouldn't trust people like us."

Shouyou was silenced for a moment as he bent down to get the clippers off the ground. Daichi thought the conversation was playing in his favor.

"Yeah, but... You caught me. You could've just let me fall to the ground, but you didn't."

Well, fuck. There really isn't any way to make Shouyou change his mind, is there?

"Alright, fine, I don't know what your intentions are with putting us into the police course, but I'll go along with it."

A smile made its way onto the ginger's face.


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