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third-person POV

"There's a gala at the central theatre next month."

Shouyou handed out a couple of pamphlets to the prisoners. These past couple of weeks he's been able to put more trust in them. They've joined the force and are really good at handling small-time criminals.

They have a great mentor, after all.

Shouyou keeps their cells unlocked since they have to stay in there until they get their own place. He can't risk them getting snatched up by their old habits again.

"What about it?"

Bokuto lifted Shouyou out of his chair, sat down, and cuddled him like a teddy bear. That's another thing that might need mentioning.

For the past week or so, Shouyou's been treated like some kind of dog. The petting, treats, cuddles. Hell, even Elise is getting jealous, now.

There's no way he can fight off Bokuto's grip once he's locked on, so he tossed himself backward, so that he was hanging off that buff arm of his, and held the pamphlet in front of his upside-down face.

"On my patrol last week, I heard someone mention something about blowing the theatre up. A lot of people are going to be there, so we need to be sure to gather as much material and experience as we can before next month. That's when it'll be, and we'll have to stop these guys."

Daichi pulled Shouyou up by his arms and brought their faces uncomfortably close. Bokuto snarled a venomous "fuck off."

"I thought you were trying to capture our buds? What, you can't do it? Too weak?"

Shouyou bared his teeth and tried to squirm out of Bokuto's grip. "That's classified information. You haven't completed the course yet, so that info stays with me."

A wink from Shouyou made Daichi's lips twitch. Bokuto began aggressively shaking the poor ginger.

"Wink at me! Wink at me, too!"

"Ugh- St-Stop it, you monkey!"

Shouyou instinctively hit a pressure point on Bokuto's neck, and the grip he had prior to that had slackened to nothing.

As Bokuto was forced into slumber by his own nerves, Shouyou stood, straightened his clothes, and sighed in relief.

"So, who are you taking patroling with you today?"

Shouyou turned to Sugawara with an almost apologetic look. He picked up his helmet and gloves and shook his head.

"I can't take anyone today, but I'll take you Friday for sure! Until then, Yuichi'll keep an eye on you guys and give you a hand with the textbook work. Get some sleep, afterward. You all did a good job in training today, and I'm excited to see what you'll do at the gym tomorrow."

He offered a thumbs up to everyone just before whistling to Elise and shutting the door.

The ex-criminals felt themselves falling... a bit further down this pit of love. They could only hope it wouldn't end in something terrible.


Shouyou's POV

Someone's been following me. A car. From my mirrors, I can't tell who it is or how many people there are, but it's really got my blood pumping.

It's been half an hour... I went in a complete circle, so... What do they want?

I motioned for Elise to tuck herself further into my lap and picked up my speed.

There's an empty parking lot about four miles away. I mentally checked to make sure I had everything I might need.

Badge, knives, taser, spray... gun. My boots are double-knotted, my gloves give me a better grip if the need be, and my motorcycle's gas tank is full.

Once I was there, I skid to a stop. Elise jumped off as the car pulled in, and she stood proudly at my side.

The lights of the car lit the entire area up in a dim yellow, including some of the forestry it was surrounded by. This used to be an old boating dock, so the only exit other than the one we came through would be the steep concrete ramp leading into the water.

"... Can I help you?"

The driver got out. There were two people in the back that slipped out. I could see the silhouette of another person on their phone in the passenger seat.

Though I didn't think it would actually be worth any help, I clicked the backup alert on my radio.

"Yep. Our buds are still in the slammer. I'd like it if you got them out for us. Maybe hand over the keys or something."

I could feel sweat building up on my forehead beneath my helmet.

"Oh, and we wanna take you to our base! You're Shouyou, right?"

Four, maybe five guys against me and Elise. I've had worse. But... there were guns attached to their hips. I seriously hate guns. Guns are for cowards.

I have to play the strong, confident guy.

"I am."

It's hard to see their faces with the way they're facing. Each step their leader took was bone-chilling but familiar.

"Don't take a step closer or you'll regret it. I'm not going with you, and you'd have to take my head before you get these keys."

I don't have the keys on me, obviously. Plus, their cages are opened 90% of the time. I'm just trying to buy a bit of time.

"Oh~ I've heard so much about you! I can't wait to take that helmet off and see that picture-perfect newspaper face you got!"

The police department was featured in the newspaper last month. That must be what he's going on about.

I caught a glimpse of their leader's face as we stood a mere three feet from each other, now. Elise was practically foaming at the mouth, but I made sure to keep a hand out in front of her.

My eyes bugged.

"Y-You're..! Him! The guy from the park!"

Kuroo smirked deviously.

"So, you remember me?"

Everything seemed to click into place, now. He grabbed my wrist, but I immediately rebuffed the action by slamming the hard part of my palm into his wrist.

"Ouch..." He chuckled. "You're pretty damn quick. Yamamoto, give me a hand here."

No way in hell was I gonna give them the chance to get a hold of me. Before my hand was grabbed, I was able to release a certain-pitched whistle that told Elise to have at it.

Immediately, she was on top of the one rushing over, and I took Kuroo's hand, which made a move to punch me in the stomach, and flipped him onto the ground. For some reason, he flashed a pained smirk.


back at the jail

"Kuroo? He's worse than Bokuto."

"You mean, like, in a stronger sense?"

Akaashi shook his head, licked his finger, and flipped the page in his textbook.

"No, I mean in a smarter sense. It's scary. Going up against brute strength is one thing-"


Akaashi ignored Bokuto's exclamation. "-But going against someone who's both strong and equipt a genius IQ, there's not much you can do. I'm not sure how Shouyou would do against someone like that."


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