Chapter 25: Some weird shit is going on around here

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The school day ended, as I walked out from the fashion department class, Vin Jin and Mary came toward me. "Hey Y/N what were you doing in there?" Vin Jin asked me. "Oh just talking to some friends that's all." I said. "You're still friends with them? Really? Y/N come on." Vin Jin puts his arm around my shoulder as we where walking. "Y/N we're more cooler and hotter than those freaks in the fashion department." "Ok but did I ask?" "N-No but aye I'm just saying, me and you are way hotter than them." "What about Mary?" "She's alright but not as hot as y-." He paused and turns away. I looked at him confused. "Dont need to finish the sentence Vin I know what you said and thanks I know I'm hot." I chuckled. "Just forget what I just said." "Uh huh okay~" I smirked. "Well I'll see you later okay?" "Alright Vin Cya later." I waved at him and walked away.

While I was walking a random dude came up to me with desperate in his eyes. "Oh my goodness, Can you take off your socks please?" The man said. I was disgusted and cringed. "Hell no, what kind of question you asked a person, man?!" I said walking away from him. This shit is getting weird and now I'm being asked to often, like they think I'll just do it. Whatever at least I'm going to be dueting with Vin Jin. Weird how he wants to duet with me but oh well he got the rapping and I got the singing. I thought excitedly as I entered at my house. "Hey Xiolen!" I said waving at him. "Y/N you seemed happy than usual tell me what is it?" "Vin jin and I are doing to make out own song. It's going to be the best song ever!" I said. "My cousin is all grown up first making your own songs and then you have my best friend as a lover." He said wiping the invisible tear in his eye. "Oh my god I told you Vin Jin is not my man.....hopefuly one day." I said looking at the ground. "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N still in love with my bro." Xiolen sighed and smirked. "I bet he's in love with you." "Excuse me what?" "I don't know but judging what I'm seeing from you two I bet his in love with you back and knowing him from about a year now he's definitely into you." He smiled. "Meh I don't know but it takes time to when you are ready." I said "True, love does take time." Xiolen said. "Love is just cringe." "You're just saying that because you're in love with Vin Jin." "Fuck you and I hope you get no bitches." "Jeez you're even more bitchy than usual with it comes people saying that you're in love." Xiolen smirks "The fact is some people do know." "Then just fucking confess you son of a bitch." "No!" "Why?!" "Because the author of this book said so and because I'm just scared to." "Fuck the author, You do you I guess." Xiolen shrugged.

After few hours of doing nothing. I went to my room and I wanted to change something more comfortable to wear. Plus, Me and him are hanging out at my house just to give each other ideas so it not like I'm going out with him. I said as I picked out my clothes. "This should do." I said picking out a black tank top and sweatpants. "Basic, Comfortable, and lazy vibe... Not bad me." I compliment myself.  Then I do my hair as usual not too much and not too lazy also. "Good enough me." I said looking myself at the mirror. "Y/N get the door I'm busy right now!" Xiolen screamed through my room.  "Okay coming!" I said as I walked through the door. "Hey, Vin Jin ready to get some ideas for our music?" I smiled at him. "About that...the reason I said but because...I just want to hang out with you again..." He said as he looks away from me. I chuckled. "Silly you could've just told me that instead of lying," I said lightly hitting him. "I know but my bad still. Anyways let's go." "Umm alright." I smiled.

We were walking around the city and talking about school and other shit.

"So what brings you on getting to hang out with me more?" I asked him. "I'm just bored and you are more fun than Mary." "If I was Mary and I heard that I would personally kick your ass." I chuckled. I want to grab his hand so badly now...thanks, Logan... As I remember them holding hands and we were about to fight the God Dogs. It's now or never Y/N, you have been holding this feeling for like a year. If he rejects you, well other men would want to be with you. I sighed and slowly reach for his hand. It was closer and closer...and...

"Y-Y/N is that you?" A weird ass guy came towards me. I turned around to look at him. "Huh, what?" I question him. "I've finally met you in person...Wow, your way hotter than usual." Me and Vin jin stood there getting confused. "Y/N you know this weirdo?" "Nope, not at all." "B-But you showed me pictures?" "Pictures excuse me... Hold on hold on show me." The weirdo ass mother fucker showed me the photo and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a photo of me that Jasmine took... Meaning that son of a bitch used me as a kink pawn or some shit. I looked at the photo. Too stunned to speak at the moment. "So can you give me your scent and piss." The weirdo smiled getting so desperate. Jasmine... Why... Why did I fall into her trap man?.... I shook my head no.  "No? No?! You fucking slut fine then but once I see you again Y/N I'll kill you." "Hey what did you say to my girlfriend?" Vin Jin said as he grabbed my hand. That's the only smart thing he did and I'm proud of him. I smiled. "I said that your fucking girlfriend is a slut." "I wouldn't recommend saying that again to my boyfriend," I said playing along.  Vin Jin kicked his stomach. He fell to the ground. "Perverts like you are disgusting pigs that should die." I said glaring at him. "Vin Jin that was smart of you." I said smirking. "I know that I am smart." He said. "Smart when you want to." I mumbled. Then we still kept holding hands. "You can let go of my hand or not." Vin Jin smirked. "I'll keep holding your hand Vin." I said smiling at him. "Woah I didn't expect that one though." He said as he looked away from me. "Alright as you insist I guess..." We walked together holding hands. OMG OMG OMG OKAY OKAY FIRST MOVE COMPLETED CHCHHFDHHX. We both went silent. This is still awkward though. "Vin we should sit down at the park don't you think?" I said. He still went silent. "Hello?" "I'm sorry I'm just processing what the hell just happened." "I just wanted to hold your hand is that a problem?" "No no but like why." "Why because uhhhh you deserve holding with me." I said blushing. "Ummm alright." I smiled at him. "Thank you by the way." He nodded his head aggressively.  Man he's speechless...maybe he does love me. I smiled even more.

End of chapter sbhshxbxbxhxggxvxvxvx

The two dorks in love (Vin Jin x !Fem! Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu