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JOE just stared at Alana. Everyone was cheering and clapping and the confetti was falling around them, but all Joe could do was stare at Alana.



"Hi, Joe! Can we get an interview with you?"

"Yeah, of course."

He gave one last look at Alana before walking away with the interviewer.

Alana watched him go and her heart sunk. It seemed like Joe didn't want to have this baby.


That night, a bunch of the guys from the team and their significant others went out to party and celebrate the win. Even Zac Taylor came.

Alana was sitting at the end of the bar by herself, away from everyone and sipped some water.

"Alana Burrow. How are you doing?"

Alana looked over to see Zac Taylor next to her.

"Oh. Hello." She said and looked straight ahead at Joe who was laughing and drinking.

Zac Taylor looked behind him, then back at Alana.

"Is everything alright with you and Joe?" Zac asked.

Alana shrugged and took another sip of water.

Zac sighed. "Look. I'm only asking because I want to make sure everything's okay. I care about you and I care about Joe. What's going on?"

Alana sighed and put down her cup. "I'm...I'm pregnant. I told him after the game. I thought it was the right time, I even told him I wanted to tell him something after the game which he wanted me to do, win or lose, but I guess it was the wrong time."

"Maybe there isn't a right or wrong time. You just have to tell him. You have to rip off the bandaid and it's halfway off, now you gotta rip off the rest by having a conversation with him. It's not going to be easy, I promise you that, but it needs to be done. You can't ignore it because it's sure as hell not going away. You can do this Alana, just talk. Just talk."

"Thank you, Zac."

"Yeah. And congratulations."

Alana gave him a small smile and he pat her on the shoulder before going back to everyone else.

Joe saw Zac come back over and gave him a smile, then looked at Alana. When they made eye contact, he looked away and began talking again.

Alana finished her water and stood up. She put a dollar in the tip jar before collecting her things and leaving the bar.

Joe watched as she went, but he stayed at the bar and let her go.


Alana was so tired, especially from throwing up because of the baby, but she still wanted to wait up for Joe. Ja'Marr and Reina moved in together, so the house became the Burrow couples' house.

It was around three in the morning when Joe stumbled through the door. Alana put her book down and stood up.

"Ah, so you made it home. I'm surprised you decided to come back. Or if you could even find the house because of how drunk you are." She hissed.

She grabbed her mug of coffee and walked into the kitchen and put it down in the sink.

"Whoa, why are you so mad?" Joe asked as he stumbled into the kitchen.

"Why am I mad? Because you completely ignored me when I had to tell you something important and then you ignored me all night!" Alana exclaimed.

"Oh, s-so you're making my night about you. Joe can't have anything, everything Joe has Alana has to have too." Joe slurred and rolled his eyes.

"What the fuck are you even saying?" Alana asked, squinting at Joe.

"No, no, no, no, no. What the fuck are you saying? You want to tell me good news after my win and you tell me we're having a stupid baby? What kind of news is that? It ruined this night. The thought of having a baby ruined my entire night. My entire win." Joe slurred and stumbled back.

Alana's mouth hung ajar. She could not believe what Joe had said. Her eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, so now you're gonna cry. Great, Alana's gonna cry like she always does. Over everything." Joe rolled his eyes.

Alana pushed him. "Fuck you! Fuck you, Joe! You're sleeping on the couch, you dick."

She then stomped past him and stormed up the stairs.

When she got to the room, she slammed the door shut, and the minute she got onto the bed, she began crying. She curled up into a big ball and cried.

joe is a little bitch boy. anyway last chapter for today because i think i wrote like four. i'm going to bed so goodnight!

𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 • Joe BurrowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin