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REINA, Kat, and Alana's cousin Mia walked down the aisle. They were in beautiful teal dresses to match the ocean considering it was a destination beach wedding.

They got to the alter and stood across from Joe and the groomsmen.

The piano started playing and Alana walked down the aisle with her father.

When Joe saw her, he began crying. She smiled at him and that sent him into tears even more. She looked gorgeous.

She was wearing a long, mermaid style dress that highlighted her curves, her black hair was in a low bun, her veil started at the top of her head and went past her shoulders. She wore white flats underneath her dress and white pearl earrings. Instead of holding roses, she was holding white lotuses.

When Alana got down to the end of the aisle, her father gave her a big squeeze and a kiss on the forehead, then went to sit next to her mother.

She stepped in front of her bridesmaids and across from Joe.

"Don't cry." She whispered.

"How could I not? You're so beautiful." Joe whispered back.

She giggled and bit her bottom lip.

The official, Joe's father, began the wedding and said the usual stuff.

"Now, I would ask anyone that if they object to speak now or forever hold your peace, but I think we've had enough of that." Mr. Burrow said, jokingly.

Everyone started laughing and Alana shook her head.

"Now, it's time for the vows. Alana would you like to go first?"

Alana let out a breath. "Joe. The cute boy who I met at a bar. The boy who bought me a soda, the boy who could always make me laugh, the boy who made me confident, but also the boy who broke my heart. You—You broke my heart when you dated...Lizzie for the first time. I hated you for it. I hated you so much for it, but then you came back to me. And when you came back to me, you made me feel so loved, because I hadn't felt love in a while, but here you were to make me feel loved again. And I realized you had done what you did for me and when you did it again, I was so upset, but again you did it for me and I love you for that. I always wanna go here you go and I always wanna be this close forever and ever. You are my lover."

Joe smiled and wiped his face.

"That was beautiful, Alana. Joseph, would you like to go next?"

Joe nodded and cleared his throat. "Alana...Ahem..sorry."

He let out a breath and got himself together.

"Alana. Lana. Princess. Bride. I knew you were going to be my wife the second I laid eyes on you in the crowded, awful smelling bar. I knew, not only by your looks, but by the way you were sitting, your body language. They way you sipped that soda and the way you made the bartender laugh so hard she almost dropped the alcohol. And that smile, that goddamn smile. I admired you so much and I still do. Then, when we started dating, you opened yourself up to me and I was so proud of you and I'm still proud of you because now you're showing off that beautiful scar you were so scared of. I broke your heart. Twice. And then I left you with a guy who treated you awfully and I feel so guilty about that and I always will. But I had to do it for you and everything I continue to do is for you. If I had to describe us, I would describe us as snow on the beach, which is ironic given we're on a beach. Snow on the beach is so weird, but is probably quite beautiful. And that's us. Weird. Complicated. Beautiful. I keep asking myself, can this be a real thing? Can it? But it is and I am so happy that it is. I wouldn't trade you or our relationship for the world. I love you, my princess."

Alana sniffed and wiped her tears, trying not to ruin her makeup.

"Don't cry."

"You shouldn't be in talking."

They both let out a laugh.

"Now Joe. Put this ring on Alana's finger  and say 'with this ring, I be wed'."

He took the ring and slowly slipped it on Alana's slender fingers.

"With this ring, I be wed."

"Now Alana, you do the same. Put the ringer on Joseph's finger and say 'with this ring, I be wed'."

Alana took the wedding band and slipped it on Joe's finger.

"With this ring I be wed."

"Joseph Lee Burrow, do you take Alana Lee Steiner to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and health, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

Alana half-smiled and looked into Joe's eyes.

"Alana Lee Steiner, do you take Joseph Lee Burrow to be your lawfully wedded husband, though sickness and health, as long as you both shall live."

"I do." Alana grinned.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Burrow. You may kiss the bride."

"Thank God because I couldn't wait any longer." Joe said.

He then pulled Alana in and they shared a long, passionate kiss.

They pulled away and Alana raised her flowers in the air. Joe grabbed her hand and they walked back up the aisle as husband and wife.

they're finally married! i live jolana so much <3
~ lea

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