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ALANA stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. She did not want to go to this football game. She didn't want to go to any football game.

"You ready, baby girl?" Jake asked from behind the door.

Alana cringed. She hated the nickname baby girl.

"Okay, do you like baby?" Joe asked.

"Baby's cute." Alana answered.

"What about babe?" Joe asked.

"I like babe." Alana nodded.

"I don't really like this one, but do you like baby girl?" Joe asked.

Alana cringed. "No. Baby girl makes me cringe."

"I can tell." Joe raised his eyebrows with a small smile.

Alana giggled and looked at Joe.

"Yeah, one of my girlfriends in high school liked baby girl and I hated calling her that." Joe said.

Alana looked down at the bed, then back up at Joe.


"Oh, nothing."


"Wait, I like Lana. Like Lana Del Rey." Alana said.

Joe tilted his head." Now you're trying to change the subject."

Alana sighed. "Fine. I just want to know how many girlfriends you've had in high school."

"Oh. I don't know why it was a big deal to ask that." Joe dry-laughed.

Alana shrugged.

"I've had about four or five." Joe answered.


Joe put his hand on her cheek.

"Hey. It was high school and I was doing a lot of stupid stuff. Now, I'm not stupid because I found the prettiest girl in the world."

Alana smiled and shifted closer to him.

"How about you? How many guys have you dated?" Joe asked work raised eyebrows.

Alana swallowed.

"None." She muttered.

"None?" Joe repeated.

Alana shook her head. "None."


"I know, Joe, it's embarrassing." Alana whispered.

"No it isn't. You just didn't find the right guy. But I think you just did." Joe smiled.

Alana giggled again.

"Wait. How do you feel about Joey? Or J?" Alana asked.

"I like them both."


Joe then leaned in and they shared a kiss.

"So Lana, babe, and baby."

"Yes, Joey."

He chuckled and they shared one more kiss.

Alana let out a small breath.


Alana spun around and stared at the bathroom door. She felt like she was going to be sick.

She opened the bathroom door and shut the light, then pushed past Jake and started transferring her things into a small, Louis Vuitton backpack. It was a gift from Joe, but Jake didn't know that. She lied and said it was a Christmas gift from Reina back in college.

𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 • Joe BurrowWhere stories live. Discover now