The Daycare Worker

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Plot- Mineta works at a daycare center and takes of his baby sister Taketa, nobody but Nezu knows that he works at daycare center and he's also trans and likes to wear makeup and girl clothes and has a crush on bakugou's brother named Hanato Bakugou and no one knows he trans besides for Me.Azaiwa so what happens when mineta gets his period during work as Hanato is coming to pick is little cousin.
(Requested by XxSunshineDemixX) This will be short.

Author Pov
     Another for Mineta Minoru as he's in the daycare watching a the little kids and his little sister. Mineta Hass been working at the daycare center since he started going to UA. Principal Nezu already knows and allows him to work as long as he can keep his grades up.
       Mineta is also trans and wears girl clothes and make up like now he's wearing a flower pattern dress with a little bit of makeup on as he works. He also has a little sister named Taketa Minoru that he has to take care of since their parents are dead. Mr.Aziawa knows mineta his trans and he's the only one who knows.
        Mineta and Taketa parents died from a plane crash while they were on a business trip to new York. Teketa was one at that time but now she's five now. So it's been four years since that incident and mineta was eleven when they died so now he's fifteen. Mineta has been a really good daycare worker for the kids.
        Mineta also has a very big crush on katsuki's brother, Hamato bakugou who's also likes mineta but they won't confess until a week a later. As you know mineta is trans to he gets his period and it looks like it couldn't wait until he had his day off.

Mineta Pov
     I woke from in my dorm on Saturday as I got up and got myself and my sister ready as we left before anyone could see us. Ever already knows I have a sister they just don't know I'm trans and that I work at a daycare center. Once I arrived the kids started arriving and started my job.
      We did some painting and then we had a little nap time because they need it. Then it was lunch time and it was play time again but I felt something so I excused myself. I went to the bathroom and saw blood on my underwear so I changed it and took out a bad as a sharp pain hit my lower abdomen.
      I groaned and put on the new underwear and pad as I walked out and held my stomach slightly. I fixed myself as my stomach still hurt but I had to be strong for the kids. After sometime it was time for parents or guardian to come take their kids or in other words home time.
      I sighed of relief when the kids started to leave and that means my day off had started. As I was waiting for the rest of the parents to arrive there was only one kid left. I heard the door open and I smiled and then my eyes widen as I saw hanato. He's my crush and his eyes widen when he saw me.
      He walked to me, "mineta you work here?" He asked, "yeah, I'm allowed by mgghhh, principal Nezu." I said as groaned a pain. He looked at me in concerned and then picked up which I assumed is his cousin since that's what the little boy called him. "Why are wearing dress?" He asked and I took a deep breath.
       So I told why I was wearing dress since I knew he could be trusted, "so I'm guess you're on your period." He said as he dropped his cousin home and we walked back to UA and I nodded with a little smile. I had my sister in hand as he took her, "hihi Mr.hanato." she she said with a smile.

Author Pov
     Once they arrived back everyone found out because they saw him in the dress and the badge that said, 'Daycare Caregiver's on it so he had no choice but explain. His littler sister was already getting along with everyone so he no worries about that so he was happy.
      The girls helped with his period for the rest of the week with heating pads and help to keep the pain down. After his period was over hanato confessed a month later and they became a happy couple with Taketa in middle as the little princess. So basically this is out a daycare worker got a boyfriend and Friends, (before me).  

The End
Sorry for all the skips, I had to do a lot of the skips since my head was hurting a lot and it tends to make me go wozzy a bit anyways I hope XxSunshineDemixX and you guys like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and if you have any request please write them down in the comments will do them as fast as possible Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋

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