A Payback that Backfired

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Plot- Mineta wants to be a girl so he wears dresses but the class doesn't know as he keeps it's a secret. So what happens when the girls get a plan to get revenge on mineta and it Backfired in a good way?
(Requested By Lavastone8)

Author Pov
      Mineta is there door locked and he's in a dress that fits him perfectly. He twirls a but and then gives a small smile, "I wish I could look like then." He said looking at the wall with a picture of girls in it. If you think they're nudes then no, they have on clothes and mineta wants to be one.
        Mineta wants be a girl since he was five but he was born a boy unfortunately for him. So all he can do is wish he could be one and pretend to be one in his room. A knock his heard on his door as he jumps and quickly changes out of the dress and put on some pants and a T-shirt.
       "Y-yeah." He said nervously opening the door to see all the girls staring at him angrily. "What did I do now?" He asked confused as he hasn't been a pervert since they went up to second year. The girls just scoffed and left leaving a confused mineta standing there as he closes his door and sighed in relief.
         He lays in his bed as he closes his eyes as he sleeps. The girls looked at each other, "Girls, I think it's time mineta gets a taste of his own medicine." Mina said, "yeah!" The other girls shouted as they went to their good friend Mia. Mia works in the hero support course and once they arrived.
         They walked in and Mia turned and looked at them, "hey girls do need anything?" She asked, "yeah we need a something to turn someone into the opposite gender permanently." Uraraka said with a evil grin. "Okay but why and who is it for?" She asked curiously taking out from her cabin and giving it to the tsuyu.
          "We want mineta to feel what's it like to be a girl and also for revenge because of what he did in the first year." Momo said crossing her arms as Mia just nodded understanding, "okay we'll all you have to do is out it in his drink and let him drink it he should be a girl by tomorrow." Mia said as the girls smile.
         They waited until dinner time when mineta walked out his room the filled a glass with water and put the pill in as it dissolves in the water. Mina then walked up to him, "hey mineta here's some water, I'm sure you're thirsty." She said as mineta nodded drinking the water and all of it.
          They girls smiled in satisfaction as they ate dinner and went to bed knowing they did well. They next morning everyone was woken up with a ear piercing scream of joy or surprised. The girls walked out and smiled and they went to mineta dorm as his dorm was wide open.

Mineta Pov
      The class opened the door as I looked in the mirror with a smile I was a girl, "mineta what's wronnn..." Deku trailed off looking at me as I smiled at him. "You're a girl." He said and I nodded, "yep, I woke up and I was a girl." I said, "okay get out so I can change into my uniform" I said as they left.
      I went into my drawer and took out the girl uniform and slipped it on as I smiled. My dream came true, I grew a bit, I was now 5'6 and my hairs was long with my purple balls are in my hair like to little buns. I walked outside smiling as I went to eat breakfast.
        "Why THE FUCK do you have a girl uniform?" Bakugou asked suspiciously, "oh, I've always had one." I said, "are you not angry that you're a girl for might probably be forever." Momo said cautiously, "what no, this is the best thing to happen, I've always wanted to be a girl anyways time for class." I said leaving.
         I went to class as the other followed in with a shock face and I was smiling like an idiot. Mr.Aziawa walked in and looked at me in shocked, "Mineta is that you?" He asked and I nodded, "yes sir and don't worry it's fine." I said and he shrugged as class started and once class finished Mia walked in.
       "Okay I called Mia to explain this." Sensei said, "okay sir well mineta is permanently girl because the girls wanted to get revenge on my him because of his pervert ways." Mia said as Mr.Aizawa was about to open his mouth, "no it doesn't have a reverse, he will permanently be a girl." Mia said and sensei nodded.
        I looked at the girls, "thank you guys so much, you don't know how happy I am." I said and they nodded awkwardly as we headed off to lunch. I sat by myself as usual as the girls came to sit by me and I looked around. "Well since you're like one if us for well forever you can eat with us." Mina said and I smiled.
         While we were eating I felt my skirt get lifted a bit and I lowered my head. I used to the girls the same thing I shouldn't make it a problem. "Hey min you okay?" Uraraka asked and I nodded, "yeah just start to feel what you guys felt when I raised your skirts." I said and their eyes widen.
          Mina stood up and looked behind me and saw a hand as it's stretched as she followed it to a random boy. Mina whistled and they entire bakusquad showed up behind her. "H-hey." The boy said nervously, "don't hey me, why are you harassing my friend and fellow classmate?" She asked crossing her arms.
         My eyes widen when she called me her friend, "why do you care him or her whatever, he used to do you the same thing." The boy said, "true but SHE is one of us now and I would never want that to happen to any girl even if they did it before they were a girl it's not right." Mina said and I smiled. "yeah right he deserved it."
       The boy mutter under his breath and git zapped from kaminari and laughed a bit. "What the hell are you laughing at you fuck pervert!" The boy yelled slightly and he git a hard punch from kirishima's harden hand. Sero then tied him up as Bakugou just blower up his face and laughed and so did the girls.
         Once classes were over, we were in the dorm living room as mina did my hair. "So should we still call you mineta or do you want a different name?" Iida asked moving his hands, "I like name besides mineta is technically a girl name too." I said and everyone agreed with me, "okay well mineta."iida said.

Author Pov
    Everyone since that day everyone has been better mineta was moved to the girls section since she was a girl and he felt more comfortable in his girl form. The girls did get punished but mineta got them out of it since he was happy as girl. Now the girls have been more fun with more sleepover.
     Mineta has been the best girl best friend the girls could ask for as she's good at doing their hair and has so much secrets. So I guess this a Payback that Backfired but in a good way. 

The End
Hey guys sorry I could upload anything I was a little busy with you know school and stuff but I hope Lavastone8 and you guys like the story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and if you have any request please write them down in the comments and I will do them as fast as possible Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋

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