Chapter #24

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Directed to an older neighborhood Mel's concerned for well-being.

Entering Wanda's Beauty Wholesaler he's greeted by the owner, "Good afternoon hon, you looking for anything in particular or here for the weekend event downtown?"

Taking in the brightly lit and clean shop Mel greets the middle-aged black woman, "Good afternoon to you, I am indeed. Do you by happen to carry Reveil foundations?"

"No sorry dear Reveil won't deal to me. And their shades don't cover all my cliental." She leads him over to the foundations, "I've got these five. Two discount, they won't hold up to what you want. My more expensive brands do well in heat and humidity. But I have to warn you its store policy minimum $200 purchases.

Easily able to spend that Mel's not concerned and examines the foundations' ingredients, re-hashing what happened to his foundation and nail-polish kits and the dresses.

Hearing he's a couple thousand on hand Wanda offer's, "Oh my, that's awful loose so much all at once... You know what since you got cash I'll make you a deal."

Mel nods curious, "whatcha thinking?"

Figuring he takes Drag seriously taps the most expensive of her line, "these are the best. Any tone any condition anything placed on top works how you want it to. The shame the company was bought out to be shut down because it's too good. You by one each of the large bottles I'll sell you them at cost and allow you to rummage thru a bin of old nail polishes in the back, take what you want for free."

Sounding agreeable Mel knows that foundation and has never wanted to spend the money on it at $300 a jar. His curiosity peeked to what she has in nail-polish agrees, "why not."

Twenty minutes later Mel was leaving happier despite spending $960 on 5 jars of foundation. Her collection of nail-polish was easy to go thru being an organized tray of a discontinued line he picked off one of each. Thanking Wanda before fully exiting Mel asks about the second hand shop. A few blocks away Wanda points it out and warns the woman is odd but an old sweetheart.

Jeff and Pete finally reaching the old block of business buildings the jewelry shop's located within. Pete requests a ride back, Jeff chuckles agreeing. The row of three-story brick businesses make things simpler for Jeff informing Pete to watch for ways onto the roof.

Glimpsing an alley behind the businesses Jeff redirects their walk noticing a few fire escapes along the back, and several third floor patios. They walk the ally finding one that has the simplest access to the fire-escape, by rolling a garbage dumpster under it. It was hard to identify the shop as the back of the buildings are painted the same color with steel slab doors. There were two angled doors marking basement access points but Jeff had no idea if they connected to the jewelry shop.

Rounding to the front Pete and Jeff make their way into the jewelry shop.

Nothing out of the ordinary noticed with the shop, exterior doors and widows have roll down steel security blinds. Interior contains the standard three display cases with a twenty plus year old male and Sixty-plus female working behind. Two main security cameras are seen right away, one watching doorway and centrally high on the wall behind the woman. Under that camera a hallway to back rooms, open against the hall wall an iron bar gate. When Jeff sees the jewelry in the display cases are on velvet squares he figures they can be stacked on shelves and locked up at night in the back.

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