Chapter # 5

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The next morning Jeff thankfully woke late and alone.

When able to make the trip to the washroom Melvin was of course curious of yesterday's job prospecting. Melvin was thrilled to hear Jeff got the job at the club however could tell there was issue with it. Not wanting to discuss the end of the night Jeff tells Melvin he's getting tired of Jerry's antics.

Jeff also thanks Melvin for the offer to room together stating he'd only be able to do it if in separate room from Jerry. Melvin became annoyed at Pete for offering before discussing it with him. Melvin stated wanting to be certain they had the place before even saying anything about it. Pete and Melvin knew if they got the place they'd want to find a renter or two to share expenses. Jeff told him not to worry about it figuring a bachelor pad maybe better for him. Getting use to Jerry and Jeff Melvin doesn't see them as threat and almost possible protection. Melvin re-assures Jeff if they get the place he can have the attic room to himself. Jerry could take the basement and they'll take the master bedroom with en-suite bath.

For a gay guy half his age Jeff was really liking him as a good friend, confidant and someone to get safely high with. Starting a new class Melvin split before noon.

Left alone Jeff contemplated toning up the body enough to officially register and enter the small gym. Working the basics for an hour Jeff showered up to ready for a second night at the club.

Arriving early to the club in decent mood Jeff is told by Asia to speak with Berri. Staff casually study Jeff crossing the bar, all aware of his after hours where-abouts. Entering Berri's small office a grave mood sets upon him by the way she asks to close the door and take a seat. The nosiest of the staff tread softly towards the now closed door.

Sitting Jeff can tell right away it's not good by the way Berri's eyes are burning into his soul. "You obviously heard about last night. Sorry I was roped into it, after work hours."

Forthrightness saves his ass from being chewed. Berri takes a deep breath rethinking opening statement. "Did someone out there..." she points to the door, "...warn you?"

"No," Jeff adjusts position in the chair unable to relax, "um you've got this look in your eye I haven't seen since I wrecked my parents car, as a teen."

"Which of you're parents was it?" She's amused seeing him fidget, "moms?"

"Both, though it was her car."

"Been there," she's thankful that one is on their own now, "because you're obviously aware I'm not amused I won't yell or get mad. But shit man of all the lovely ladies in here, why Camilla? She and I have a love hate relationship that goes so far back we don't have the time in a week to get through." Berri knows the woman well enough she did it to use Jeff and Jerry for amusement.

"I promise I didn't pursue her, when she spoke a merely replied and fulfilled her simple requests, that had nothing to do with sex. Somehow Jerry pulled it off dancing with her."

Having reviewed the security footage Berri knows Camilla sought them out and picked at the pair trying to hook'em in. "And I also understand Camilla is an attractive woman and knows how to play a man."

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