Chapter #10

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With Hotep's parking lot empty Jerry figures Carrie must've hooked up with someone. Mel was so concerned for Jeff he considering abduction which Pete and Jerry laughed off. Disappointed Carrie didn't stick until the end the trio hoped the best for him and drove home.

Traveling Mel went through a token gift bag of goods, most of it cosmetics and lotions he was told to keep it all. Given a cheque instead of cash Mel being the most responsible said he'd cash it and split it. Again the pair suggested he keep it as part of their next month's rent they knew Jeff would be okay doing the same. Oddly they drove right past him while sitting in a coffee shop contemplating the money under the dress worn.

Jeff's subconscious glimpses the beater drive by causing him to look that way only viewing a police cruiser pulling in with two officers inside. Unsure if they're looking for him or a Carrie Underwood possibly Jeff slips off the wig rolling it up to tuck in the chest with the pouch of cash. Getting up from the table heads to the bathroom to wash the make-up off.

The officers enter and order a couple coffees and bagels taking a seat along the counter. One talking with waitress and cook the other monitors outside and car.

Drying off Jeff checks the mirror ensuring all make-up is removed. If it weren't for the ol'country dress and pink boots he might feel confident enough to exit.

Figuring on slapping cash on the counter and leaving he digs out the pouch to fish out ten dollars to cover the tab and tip. Taking out the wig he attempts to stuff it in the pouch too but there's not enough room for it all. The pouch with wig obviously lumpy Jeff fidgets and adjusts things until appearing like a padded bra on.

Ready to make the strut through the place in confidence Jeff opens the door focused on the main cash register thinking of where to place the cash. Both officers drift their attention his way, the one speaking with staff smirks at the sight, the other slightly shakes a disapproving head. Occasionally serving Drag Queens the waitress doesn't think anything of the quick change.

Approaching the register Jeff sets the money beside speaking to the waitress, "Thanks keep the change."

"Okay," She approaches the register to take care of the money, "thank-you take care."

The disapproving officer catches sight of the wigs ends past the skirt as the money pouch is upside down and the wig slid out, "Um excuse me, ah ma'am ..." he chuckles getting his partners attention, " ah might want to trim that before you go out next time."

Catching sight of the dangling blonde follicles the other officer laughs, the waitress and cook snicker.

"Huh?" Stopped at the door Jeff looks down seeing the hairs beyond the knees, "Oh shit, thanks officer." He oddly shoves the wig up through the skirt, "damn dress has no pockets." He attempts to carry on.

"Hey ah hold on second," The officer inquires, "I take it you were at Hoteps tonight?"

Mentally cringing Jeff nods turning back to face the officer, "yeah fairly obvious here. I left when this fight broke out between a couple P!nks."

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