Chapter # 3

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Four thirty in the morning Jerry staggers into the room laughing at himself, "turning into a fuckin whore ... and I luv it, Hah! ... Can't fuckin' believe it myself."

Annoyed Jeff grumbles, "what the fuck Jerry. I've a feeling I don't wanna know either. Just shut-up and go to bed okay."

"Yeah I better, fucking hurt too need off my ass," He flops onto the bed, "can't believe what I did, TONIGHT..." The pant pockets full of things Jeff struggles to remove them to get comfortable, "sorry for coming in so noisy Jeff..." drawing out the cell phone first he sets it on a table between them.

Hoping to get back to sleep and avoid more awkward conversations Jeff replies simply and softly, "it's okay. Just startled me."

"Okay, okay ,sorry," From the other pocket he pulls out a large handful of condoms and places them on the table, "Dale gave me a shit load of these things. A bunch in our size too, really cool of him."

Oh god, Jeff cringes in the dark.

"Oh hey, a tip for yah. Keep a regular or two handy..." Jerry fishes a few more condoms out, ", lubrication for sure ... and keeps the shit of the dick."

"Oh for fuck sakes Jerry don't fucking start man just go to sleep. Please." One of the many thoughts over the past couple days is finding a place, of his own, "man gotta get out of this place."

"Oh right, right, and sorry dude," Jerry pulls out a ball of paper bills slipping it into a drawer in the table, "well working on that, brought home almost three hundred tonight towards first and last. Cause' get this Pete was saying he and Melvin might be able to get into this duplex at the end of the month and if we all split the bills equally its only $400/month, any other cash we get is food and party money."

Preferring to find his own pad Jeff does appreciate low over-head costs, "yeah?"

"Yeah," Undoing the pants Jeff lays back stretching a tender spot, "oh fuck ... Easy there ... fucking glad he used a lubricated one. Be worse dry I'm sure."

Oh no Jerry, "what the fuck did you get into? Don't even tell me."

"Okay, didn't get into anything myself," Jerry snickers, "let this poor little bastard, Bernard have a piece, but man what a piece he had, damn near third leg on his five foot frame."

"Fuck Jerry I really don't want to here this shit man," huffing Jeff fluffs the pillow attempting to get comfortable, "just go to sleep, stop talking."

"Okay, sorry dude, sorry," Jerry knows Jeff's been off and wants clarification, "are you in any way upset with me? For – exploring, myself?"

"No, I just want to go to sleep," Jeff turns to the wall, "want to run around sucking cock, that's up to you."

"Hey I ain't sucked no cock." Jerry feels the need to defend and clarify their relationship, "You're sounding like an upset chick to me, are you seeing us as a..."

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