"Glad you're back."

"I must confess, though, I didn't come back to see you. I came back for that." I say, pointing at the bag. "Give me my doorframe back, Damon."

"What are you talking about?" He asks and I smile tightly.

"Don't play dumb. It's right there. I saw you take it."

"Ror, that's a bag of stakes. Is old age finally getting to you?" He said, badly hiding a shit eating grin.

It's like he wanted me to know that he had my shit, so I just hold out my hand and very suddenly twisted it and he falls to the ground, his neck broken.

The rest of the group gasps and I go to pick up the duffel bag but Stefan does first.

"Stefan, do you mind?" I say, holding my hand out expectantly.

"I do mind, actually. Aren't you a big fan of the rule 'finders keepers'?"

Fuck. I did love finders keepers, I thought, but I still didn't know why they wanted it so badly.

"Consider this me calling takebacks," I say, holding my hand out. "Motus," I say and the bag flies into my hand. "What's so special about it anyway?" I say with a laugh, but when they all just exchange worried glances. "What?"

"Can't tell you." Stefan says. "We have conflicting views on the topic."

"Conflicting- Stefan what the fuck is your problem? The amount of bullshit that is coming out of your mouth today-" I start, getting a bit pissed of but then I pause, remembering what I overheard before. "It's white oak, isn't it? That's why you had to take it from my house and not a random tree."

Their silence was the only indication that I was right.

"Alright, well, I'd say have a good day, but... You know. Don't."

Speeding away with the bag, I pull out my phone and call Elijah.

"Come on," I say, but when he doesn't pick up, I don't bother leaving him about 500 messages, so I try Klaus, but still nothing. Rebekah was the same.

Is this technology too advanced for them or something, why aren't they picking up?

I walk into my house and see that Klaus hadn't left the blood yet.

It's not like their lives were on the line.

Why couldn't I still be in Italy?

ELIZA and I were talking on the phone. She was all the way in Madrid and I was seriously considering going there and meeting her.

It would get me out of this godforsaken town.

"There was a knock at my doors and when I open it, it was a random man.

"Are you Morrigan?" He asks and I nod warily, getting ready to put a barrier up but he just hands me a cute little box. "Compliments of Klaus."

"Thank you," I say, taking the box before closing the door.

About time, I wanted to say, but I didn't.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now