Chapter 20

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When Edward and Evelyn had finally finished arguing, the group made their way into the forest. They walked for a while, stepping over the large, tentacle-like tree roots as they ventured deeper and deeper into the forest. After a while, Dredge stopped in his tracks, causing the rest of the party to come to a halt.

"We're going to need disguises." Dredge started, "Everybody put your hoods up and keep your faces hidden. Whatever you do, do not reveal yourself to be Darkheartians to the general public."

Lucien switched back to his human form and took his cloak from Albas, putting his hood up and hiding his face. He stretched and then looked around to make sure everyone had hidden their faces. Once they all had, he looked over to Dredge.

"So, which way to the hidden entrance?" Lucien asked.

"This way, follow me."

Dredge then began to walk through the woods once more, the rest of the group following close behind. Unlike The Forest Of Grim Fates, this forest didn't have a very sinister feel to it, it was actually surprisingly peaceful.

"Hey Dredge?"

"Yes, Edward?"

"I was thinking... Since all of Darkheart's forests are named, are all Kriluxean forests named?" Edward asked, a look of pure curiosity present on his face.

"Of course they are, this one we are currently walking through is called The Abyssal Woods." Dredge replied.

"That's such a badass name, why's it called that?"

"The name actually has quite a sinister meaning behind it. There is a cave somewhere in these woods that's so deep and dark that those who enter never return, it's rumoured that the cave contains a portal and that those who enter the cave are swallowed by the abyss."

"Woah, that's so cool!"

"If your definition of 'cool' is 'absolutely terrifying and incredibly dangerous', then yes, I agree with you."

"You've gotta tell me more of these cool and creepy legends."

"Alright. Well, there is a rumour that Kriluxean oak trees bleed. My niece told me that one a few weeks ago."

"You have a niece?"

"I do, her name is April."

"That's so cool, I wish I was an uncle."

"You never know, you might be one day." Dredge told him.

"Do you seriously think I could handle being a mother? No way." Evelyn retaliated.

"I'd help you look after the baby." Edward offered.

"I'm not having a baby, Edward."

"Fair enough, but if you ever do end up having one you know who to call."

Evelyn sighed. 

"In all honesty, I don't blame you for not wanting to have children, raising a child is hard work. In the end though, it is definitely worth it." Noelle commented.

"Not to complain or anything, but how far away are we from the hidden entrance?" Douglas questioned.

"We can't be more than twenty minutes away now, the edge of the forest is what conceals the entrance so we'll know when we get there." Dredge said.

The group continued to walk through the forest, but then Lucien heard something. It sounded like somebody had stepped on a tree branch, but it was coming from an entirely different part of the forest.

"Did anybody else hear that?" He asked.

"Yeah, it sounded like it was coming from over there." Edward agreed, pointing to his right, "I'm gonna investigate."

"Edward don't, it could be dangerous!" Evelyn exclaimed, but by the time she had said it, Edward was already running off into the forest...

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