Chapter 17

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Edward handed Lucien the vines that he had just collected and helped Lucien to build the shelter. By the time they had finished, the sun had completely dipped below the horizon, leaving the group with no light source other than the moon in the sky and the Wraithvines holding the shelter together.

Winston placed his cloak on the floor under the shelter and lay down on it, allowing Douglas to lay on top of him and use his chest as a pillow. Everybody else arranged their cloaks on the floor too and lay down on them, everyone except for Lucien and Edward.

"Honey, are you not going to sleep?" Noelle asked, a concerned look present on her face.

"I'm not tired." Lucien responded.

"You're staying up too?" Evelyn questioned, looking at Edward.

"Yeah, I can't sleep while the moon's up unless I'm drunk. I really don't know how you managed to become diurnal, especially considering we were raised to be nocturnal." Edward replied.

"Hmm, ok then. Just make sure you're up at sunrise, both of you, or I will be waking you up."

Evelyn and Noelle then went to sleep, as did the rest of the group, leaving Edward and Lucien alone to do whatever they wanted.

Lucien took two bottles of Darkheartian apple cider out of his cloak and passed one to Edward. Edward smirked at Lucien and gladly took the bottle, sitting on the floor with his back against a tree. Lucien sat beside him, and the two of them opened their bottles of cider, clinked them together and began to drink.

"You know, in the two hundred and thirty four years I've been alive, I've never had a friend as good as you." Lucien said.

"You mean it?"

"Of course I do, you're the best friend a guy could ask for."

"You too, Lucien."

There was a brief pause, before Edward spoke up again.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, Edward. You can tell me anything."

"Well, if you weren't married, I'd happily be friends with benefits with you." Edward admitted, blushing a little, "And maybe more if you wanted to be more than that."

"Can I tell you something too?"

Edward nodded. Lucien then leaned over and whispered into Edward's ear:

"If I were still single, I'd gladly make that a reality for you~"

Edward's face went bright red, causing Lucien to laugh a little.

"What's so funny?"

"Your face is so red right now, oh my god."

"It is?"

"Yeah, I didn't know you were so easily flustered!"

Lucien continued to laugh, causing Edward to sigh.

"What's wrong?" Lucien enquired, calming down a little.

"Did you mean it though?"


"You know, that you'd be friends with benefits with me if you were still single."

"Edward, I'm going to be honest with you, ok? If I were still single, I'd be dating you right now. I love Noelle with all my heart, but if she didn't reciprocate that love and we hadn't gotten married, I would have eventually gotten over it and asked if you were interested."

"Can I tell you a secret? You've gotta promise not to be mad at me though because this'll probably make me sound like an asshole."

"I could never be mad at you, Edward."

"Well..." He began, before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, "Sometimes I wish you weren't married... Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you and I'm glad you found the right person, it's just..."

Edward sighed.

"Sometimes you wonder what it would be like if things were different?" Lucien asked.


"Honestly, sometimes I wonder the same thing. I'm happy with Noelle, she's the love of my life, and my son is the best thing that's ever happened to me, but sometimes I still wonder what would have happened if my love for her wasn't mutual..."

Edward rested his head on Lucien's shoulder and looked at the empty bottle in Lucien's hand.

"Do you want the rest of mine?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm getting kinda sleepy."

Edward passed his half-empty bottle to Lucien. Lucien took the bottle from his hand and drank it surprisingly quickly, putting both of the bottles in his hands on the floor when he was done. Edward slowly closed his eyes, and before long they had both passed out under the stars.

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