Chapter 2

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Lucien thought for a moment. He didn't trust Lord Dredge at all, but if what he was saying had any truth to it then he could prove to be quite the useful ally.

"Fine. I'll allow you to stay in the castle and to work with us to devise a plan, but the moment you betray me I will not hesitate to kill you."

"That is entirely fair. Thank you, your highness. I shall not let you down."

"For your sake, I very much hope that you're being truthful. We shall devise a plan this evening." Lucien said.

Albas then escorted Dredge to one of the many guest bedrooms that the castle has to offer.

"You get better and better at this whole formality thing every time, Lucien." Edward told him.

"Thanks Edward." Lucien replied, "I trust your judgement, what do you think of this Lord Dredge fellow? I for one don't trust him one bit."

"He seems ok. Yeah he's Kriluxean so that's a reason not to trust him, but I think he's being truthful. That or he's somehow managed to create false memories and recall them as he was speaking. I would still advise you to keep an eye on him until he's proven himself though. You know, the woman he had in mind when he was speaking about the young lady who took control of his faction of the empire looked a hell of a lot like Lucinda, but there's no way it could be her, and the way he described her didn't seem anything like Lucinda. Unless necromancy was involved..."

"Lucinda's dead. She's been dead for nearly twelve years, Edward. Even if necromancy was involved and somebody somehow revived her, she'd never side with The Kriluxean Empire, let alone convince them to destroy the kingdom she so desperately wanted to protect. It's probably just a doppelganger or something."

"Yeah you're right. She'd never turn into a heartless dictator even if she was somehow revived, she was too sweet for that... I miss her, Lucien."

"I know. Evelyn and Albas miss her too."

There was a moment of silence, until Edward began speaking again.

"I know this probably isn't the best time, but do you think Albas is over her yet?"

"He seems like he's gotten over her, he hasn't been bothered by the mention of her name for around five years now. You still like him, don't you?"

"You knew?"

"It's been obvious since the moment you two met, Edward. Even if you had somehow managed to hide it I'd still catch on pretty quickly, I am the son of Asmodeus, after all."

"Do you think he likes me back? I've tried reading his mind to find out, but every time I've done that he's been thinking about work. He's let his position as your main royal advisor go to his head."

"He's just a hard worker, he's always been like that. The whole reason he's my main royal advisor is because of how work-oriented he is, but don't forget that you're also one of my royal advisors. Honestly I wish you'd take your position as seriously as he does."

"If I was as serious as he was it wouldn't be any fun around here, and besides, everyone needs a bit of down time."

"Can't argue with that." Lucien agreed.

"But seriously, do you think he likes me, or?"

"He hasn't really shown a passion for anything outside of work, magic and his studies. Maybe you should make the first move or stop trying to hide your feelings for him, isn't that how Lucinda peaked his interest?"

"That could work, I'm pretty sure she just made it painfully obvious that she likes him. Yeah, I'll try that, thanks Lucien!"

"Anytime, Edward."

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