Chapter 19

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Lucien flew towards The Kriluxean Empire, looking down to see how far the others had gotten. Once they'd reached the edge of the tall grass, Lucien landed and then put Albas down. He looked from person to person, quickly realising that not everyone was here.

"Where are Winston and Douglas?"

As soon as he said this, Winston caught up to the group, but somebody was on his back. He put Douglas down and helped the person off of his back, revealing the person to be Raziel.

"Raziel, what are you doing here?" Lucien asked.

"I was super worried about you and wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt, so I followed you, but then you went into a scary old house so I hid behind it until you came back out, and then you went to sleep so I sat in a tree and waited for you to wake up and then kept following you. Winston found me at the edge of The Forest Of Grim Fates because I accidentally stepped on a tree branch and it snapped, then he gave me a piggy back here because he said it'd be too dangerous for me to go back through the forest alone." Raziel replied, "Please don't be mad at me..."

Lucien sighed.

"Raziel, I told you to stay in the castle. Not only did you disobey me, but you also put yourself in considerable danger, you could have gotten yourself killed."

"I know, but I needed to make sure you were ok."

"How did you even get past the servants?"

"I put my hood up and snuck out five minutes after you left, they weren't awake yet and nobody in the kingdom recognised me because I kept my head down."

"It is too late to take you back to Darkheart now without risking the kingdom's destruction. Albas, you have the best healing magic out of all of us, would you be able to protect Raziel in case he gets hurt?"

"Of course, King Lucien." Albas returned.

Lucien looked towards Dredge.

"From this point onwards, you shall be leading us. You know The Kriluxean Empire much better than the rest of us, including the secret entrances."

"It is an honour, your highness. I promise I won't let you down." Dredge responded.

Dredge then began leading the group to a forest of strange-looking trees. The trees appeared to be oak trees, only the bark was a deep shade of rustic red and the leaves were palatinate purple.

"These are Kriluxean oak trees, correct?" Albas asked, writing something in his notebook.

"Yes. I see you know quite a bit about The Kriluxean Empire, even some of the natives don't know what type of trees these are."

"I chose to do some extensive research before our most recent meeting as I figured that the mission would benefit from me knowing as much about The Kriluxean Empire as a Kriluxean historian, so I have two notebooks full to the brim of knowledge about The Kriluxean Empire."

"Of course you do." Edward said.

"I can show you them if you wish, I feel as though you would benefit from knowing these things."

"No thanks, I'm good. Oh and I meant to ask this earlier, but why was all the food in a bag this morning? Wasn't it in our pockets before?"

"Lord Dredge proposed that it would be much more efficient to store all of the food in a bag instead, you were gathering Wraithvines at the time so you may not have heard it." Lucien explained.

"But I still had a few tins of beans in my pockets before I passed out and now they're gone."

"Because I took them out of your pockets before you woke up." Evelyn told him.

"You went through my pockets when I was sleeping? What the fuck, Evelyn!"

"Edward, you don't even eat beans, you didn't need them."

"That's not the point, you can't just go through someone's pockets while they're passed out!"

"And you can't just mess with skeletons as if they're toys."


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