Chapter 12

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Albas continued to check the books and tomes for a few minutes, before abruptly stopping what he was doing.

"You good?" Edward asked.

"It would seem that my suspicions were correct." He replied, pulling the top book that he had stopped on.

There was the sound of something unlocking and suddenly the bookshelf began to sink into the wall, revealing a large stone tunnel as it did so. Winston picked up the candle and began to walk through the tunnel. The rest of the group followed suit, making their way down the deep dark hallway. They reached the part that the bookcase had stopped at and turned right, finding themselves in yet another hidden room. The room was large and contained nothing but a large pedestal, on top of which was an ancient spell book covered in a thick layer of dust that had been undisturbed for centuries. Winston blew away the dust and opened the book.

"Thank goodness it is still here and has remained untouched." Winston stated, breathing a sigh of relief.

Lucien looked at the book, quickly realising that it was a Kriluxean spell book. He looked at Winston.

"How did your father get his hands on a Kriluxean spell book?"

"His great grandfather stole it while invading The Kriluxean Empire, it has been a family heirloom since then. Unlike Darkheartian magic, Kriluxean magic can be learned by people who are not native to Krilux, meaning that in the hands of a skilled Darkheartian mage it can grant tremendous power. When The Sanguineous Swindlers realised that our family had possession of this spell book they sought to steal it back, however they were unable to locate the house for decades. Thank goodness they were unable to find the hidden passage."

Winston then handed the book to Lucien.

"I have been observing you since you became the king of Darkheart, your highness. Before you, no other monarch seemed worthy of handling this spell book, but you are not like them. You are worthy of carrying the spell book and wielding Kriluxean magic."

"While I appreciate the sentiment, I believe that you should be the one to wield it. You are my most trusted guard, Winston, and this book has been in your family for generations. I truly believe that you are more than capable of carrying this duty." Lucien stated, giving the spell book back to him.

"Thank you, your highness. I shall not let you down."

"I know you won't, you never have."

Winston then put the book into another pocket in his cloak and made his way back to the study, but little did he know, a group of bandits were waiting for him on the other side of the tunnel...

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