Chapter 5

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Lucien sat down in his chair, trying to take in the fact that Lucinda had been revived and instead of making her presence known, she had betrayed the kingdom that she so desperately wanted to protect. Why would she do this? Why would she join The Kriluxean Empire and plot to destroy Darkheart? What had happened to the sweet, boy-obsessed young lady that he had once known? Just then the door to the meeting room creaked open slightly. Somebody was listening in.

"Who goes there?" Sapphire asked.

The door creaked open a little more to reveal a young boy with messy black hair and red cat-like eyes. He was wearing a black hoodie over some more formal clothes and had a crown atop his head.

"Raziel, you know you're not supposed to come near the meeting room."

"I know, but I was bored." He replied, "And anyway, I wanted to see what dad was doing, but then I heard him talking about a Kriluxean so I waited until he was done with his meeting."

Sapphire sighed.

"You shouldn't have listened in, Raz."

"But auntie Sapphire, I wanted to know what was going on."

"That's no excuse, young man."

Raziel then walked into the meeting room and looked from person to person.

"So the meeting's over now, right?"

"Raziel." Lucien said, "Come here."

Raziel walked over to Lucien.

"Everybody in this room shall be departing tomorrow, you must stay here and await our return. The servants shall look after you while we are gone."

"How long will you be gone?"

"I am not sure, I shouldn't be gone for longer than a month though."

"You could be gone for up to a month! Dad you can't go for that long, you need to be back in two weeks, please dad." Raziel pleaded.

"If only it were that simple. The visits to your grandfather's castle do not have to be longer than two weeks, however this is not just a visit. This is a highly dangerous mission that will hopefully prevent a war. I am sorry, my son."

Raziel began to tear up.

"You... You can't go... Dad it's dangerous out there, what if you don't come back alive?"

"I've fought off hundreds of millions of trained Kriluxean soldiers with my bare hands and returned home without so much as a single scratch, I am far more powerful now than I was back then, I promise you that I will return in one piece." Lucien told him, wiping away Raziel's tears with his thumbs.

"Pinkie promise?"

"Pinkie promise."

Lucien linked his pinkie finger with Raziel's to secure the promise and then pulled him into a tight hug.

"Make sure you behave while I'm gone, alright?"

"As long as you stay safe, dad..."

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