II. A dense forest

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After reholstering my gun, I secure it around my waist and tighten my belt. A quick glance down confirms my boot laces are firmly tied, ensuring they won't unexpectedly come undone.

Inside my head, a whirlwind of thoughts tugs me in every direction. I'm imagining various scenarios for my first encounter with the group, three different songs playing simultaneously in my mind, thoughts about today's tasks, and much much more.

I shake my head, hoping to stop the chaos, but it doesn't really help. So I open the locker that was assigned to me and look in the mirror inside of it.

But it's then that my heart drops.

A tall figure with the face of a skeleton stares at my face through the mirror.

"—What the fuck," Is the only thing I manage to get out. I exhale forcefully, the unexpected appearance startling me more than I'd like to admit.

I turn to look at him fully as he keeps his position on the other side of the room.

As my gaze settles, the imposing figure's skeletal façade transforms into reality – a man dressed in complete military gear, wearing a mask that features a skull, stares back at me. His eyes remain dark and devoid of emotion, revealing nothing about his thoughts.

"Sorry. I didn't see you," I mumble, my breathing still unsteady as I let my back rest against the lockers.

"Pull yourself together, soldier. You shouldn't be here if you startle that easily," He mumbles. His voice is lower than I expected, even when he's just mumbling.

"Sorry, sir, I-" but before I can finish my sentence he turns around and starts walking away.

I sigh as I realize I'm gonna have to sprint after him.

This doesn't feel stupid at all...

His legs are 2 times the length of mine and he's way quicker on his feet. Though I manage to catch up, I opt not to walk directly alongside him.

"Are you part of 141, sir?"

"Yes," he responds, his tone devoid of enthusiasm, bordering on annoyance.

"Can I ask when the next official mission is?"

"Did you not read the files you were given?" His voice raises slightly.

"I did...Sir. It wasn't in there," I feel small standing next to him.

"That would be correct. I like keeping my soldiers on their toes," Price's voice sounds from behind the door we're nearing. The man whose name I haven't figured out doesn't hold the door for me. Instead, he lets it fall shut behind him. I catch it just in time.

Price greets both me and the masked man with a smile.

"Thanks, Ghost," Price says, his gaze shifting to me, "Welcome, sergeant."

Ghost? That's Ghost? My brain snaps into gear again. He's the guy I've heard all the tales about. I can't help but wonder how much of the stories hold any truth. Unfortunately, most of them aren't exactly flattering.

Ghost tips his head back, his balaclava following the movement of it. I can't tell anything about how he looks under there apart from his deep brown eyes.

He's notably tall, towering over me by a little more than 20 centimeters. I try not the be intimidated by him, but the way he handles himself promises to make that quite difficult.

"Alright, boys," Price starts, "girl," he quickly adds. "Sorry I'll have to get used to that."

Girl, singular. Was I the only one here? I study the group, finding myself to be surrounded by just men.  

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