X. Sparring

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I wander through the hallways of an area I have never been to before. Liam and I used to endlessly walk through random hallways during our breaks. We felt like we had seen all of the facility, though I clearly stand corrected. I turn a few corners to be met with a glass door. Behind it is a large gym which I've never seen.

The gym is full of the guys of 141. I immediately notice König, towering over everyone as he always does. Soap is in the middle of the hall standing directly in front of Gaz, seemingly following up on his text.

I head over to König whose not in a fight right now.

"Beat everyone?"

His head snaps in my direction, "-Christ," he huffs, "I didn't even see you there, Ace."

I chuckle, "Sorry."

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on desk duty," he asks kindly.

"Bored out of my mind up there alone."

"-ACE, LOOK. I TOLD YOU," A struggling Scottish accent interrupts me.

I look over to see that Soap has Gaz in a headlock. I have to immediately press my lips together to keep myself from laughing. The two of them look incredibly clumsy and I can't help but feel bad for Gaz.

"You alright, Gaz?"

A loud grunt follows and Gaz suddenly has Soap pinned down on the blue mat. I now can't hold my laughter.

"Yeah, I'm alright," Gaz says proudly, though he doesn't have time to rest. Soap gets back at him immediately.

"Fine, fine. Now get off of me," Gaz says after he ends up underneath Soap one final time.

Soap jumps up immediately and gives Gaz a hand, the two of them heading our way after they talk for a few seconds.

"Told ya," Soap says as he starts flexing his biceps.

"That does not work on me.." I smile at him.

"Ah, too bad."

I look over into the group of men when I suddenly lock eyes with Ghost. He's on the other side of the gym, though his eyes are sternly on mine. I look away after a few seconds, not wanting to prolong any unnecessary eye contact.

"Whose next?" A voice sounds from behind us.

I turn around to see Keegan staring at us. He's wearing the same mask I saw him in the other night. His icy blue eyes are even more prominent due to the high contrast of the black mask.

"Nah man, I just finished," Soap is the first to say.

"-I'll go," I spurt out.

"Ace," König immediately says.

"I don't think that's smart," Soap says.

"I'm fine... It doesn't hurt anymore," I say as I step toward Keegan. It did still slightly hurt, but I wasn't gonna let it get in the way of work. I want to do anything but get back behind that laptop.

I head over to the blue mat and go to stand directly in front of Keegan. He looks down at me with a skeptic look in his eyes.

"Please," I say, "Fight me. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" His low voice sounds from behind his mask. He sounds calm, almost as if he doesn't care in the slightest.

"Yes, I'm fine," I say. I step forward and give him a slight push, hoping to agitate him a little.

"I do not think this is a good idea," He mutters low.

"Don't be so fucking bori-" I can't even finish my sentence as Keegan grabs me and fully lifts me off the ground. Before I know it, I've been thrown over his shoulder after which I land back on the mat. He immediately pins me down, my two hands pathetically pinned above my head as he holds them with only one of his.

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