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Scott's Perspective-

Scott looked at the letter and then turned to face the owl who was cleaning its feathers on the window sill.

His hand caressed the letter.

It was perfectly folded and fit nicely into the envelope.

Scott was 11 and had blonde hair that he dyed cyan. He was gay and very, VERY smart. But there was also something... unusual about him.

He could do...well he could do something weird. Sometimes he can summon objects to his hands and once he healed a bruise he had after falling off his bike.

He didn't know how he could do it and he was sure something was wrong with him.

His mother then knocked on the door, startling both the owl and Scott.

"Scott, sweetie, if you want you can call your friends and see if they can go to the city along with you to buy school supplies."

Scott looked at the letter and the owl, who hooted.

"What was that?" His mother gasped, "Sweetie, I'm coming in."

She saw the owl and the letter in Scott's hand and was shocked.

"I- is it here?" She smiled, "I knew it!"

Scott's mouth opened and then closed.

I didn't think...

"I thought you were joking when you explained the magic world. I thought- I thought that was all something you made up." Scott said, utterly shocked.

His mother shook her head, smiling.

"I can't do magic here in front of the other muggles, but I am a witch." She smiled, "Your father, as I've told you, is a muggle. Can't do magic, but he is fascinated by it. Come on! Let's grab him and open your letter!"

She grabbed Scott's hand and they ran downstairs together.

"Come on, COME ON!" His father sighed and collapsed onto the sofa.

He was watching football (soccer) on the TV and his team was losing.

His mother cleared her throat.

He turned his attention to them.

"What's that you got there Scott?" He asked.

"He's been accepted." Scott's mother grabbed his shoulders, smiling.

His father smiled, "That's great!" He got up and hugged his son.

They were acting like he just won a million dollars.

"Go ahead, see what you need for your classes."

Scott pulled out his letter and read it aloud.

His mother then said, "Alright. We're going to go into Diagon Ally tomorrow. School starts next week. Jesus, there's so much to do!"

Scott watched as his parents ran around in a panic.

Eventually, they took a picture together and they all hugged each other.

Scott had no idea was happening or what he was getting himself into.

He looked down at the train ticket and took a deep breath.

Just looking at the ticket made his stomach ache and he had a feeling that this was going to go downhill very fast.

One Week Later-

Scott's mouth fell open.

There were so many people.

Some kids with owls and cats, others with books and huge trunks and brooms.

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