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Clad in a heavy wedding dress and an equally heavier jewellery that was so lovingly presented to me by the Dixit family and an even more heavier heart that was weighing down on me completely, I silently sat there in the middle of the mandap(raised platform for performing the wedding ritual) beside an unknown man. 

With the numbness that crept into every part of my body, I silently performed the rituals one after the other like a robot. With the blurred vision, pounding heart that's ringing so loud in my ears, I can't see anything or hear anything except my Viraj.

I sat there in the mandap while my Viraj bent over me to tie the nuptial chain around my neck. I looked down at the nuptial chain that was hanging around my neck and a surge of mixed emotions that I can't even name have ragee within me like ocean waves. 

"Now you can't escape me, Angel." Viraj whispered in my ear sending shivers through my entire body with his hot breath that fanned over me.

I looked up at him and my heart swelled up in happiness. His entire face lit up like a Diya(lamp) and I have never seen him this happy. 

Right at that moment I promised myself one thing. For the rest of our lives I'll make sure that the glow in his face never wavers.

"Madam, look at the camera." A photographer's voice snapped me out of the thoughts and I looked around. The grand arrangements and the ocean of people that surrounded me made me realise what is actually happening today. Right now.

My marriage. My marriage with another man, who is not my Viraj. My wedding with Viraj has been a small and simple affair just like the way I prefer. On the other hand, Viraj always wanted a grand wedding but he respected my choice. So, most of the time he used to claim that one day in future, he will suddenly arrange for a grand wedding for us, according to his preferences and then I would be left with no other choice but to endure all of those. I always used to tease him saying that who is going to marry him again. Though deep down I know that I will marry my Viraj again and again, I just couldn't stop myself from teasing him and capturing the pout that appeared on his lips into my memory.

"This is too unfair. Nothing was as per my tastes." Viraj cutely pouted while looking at our wedding album.

"I'm not the culprit for that. You yourself arranged everything." I chuckled.

He stomped his fist in the bed, "I arranged everything as you desired then what have you one for me?"

"What should I do?"

With his thousand watt smile he turned his complete attention towards me, "When we marry next time, please arrange everything as per my tastes."

I chuckled, "Who is going to marry you again?"

He gasped out loud, "Angel, you have become too cruel."

Showing him my tongue I teased him.

"Mom! She is teasing me!!" He ran towards my maa to complain against me.

Because while my Papa was always on my team, my Maa was always on his team.

A soft hand that touched my cold body brought me back from my thoughts. I looked at the hand and it's none other then my Adiraj's. I looked to my left and found him sitting peacefully in Ananya's lap, who is sitting beside me. My baby boy is actually enjoying his day not knowing that his mother is actually getting married to another man. A man who is not his father. Should I be happy for him or feel pity for him??

I then turned to my right hoping to see my Viraj but there is sitting an unknown man. I blinked my eyes hoping that it would clear my vision but again all I see is an unknown man in the place of my Viraj. From the age where my heart started recognising the feelings, it only craved for Viraj. It got completely entangled with my Viraj. Now, why it has to endure all of this??

Tangled ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon