Missing eachother

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Placing my pencil down on the table, I looked at my designs. Not feeling satisfied with them I pushed my notepad away. This is the first time I'm actually not satisfied with my work. Since morning I couldn't even complete a single design. This has never happened to me. My brain doesn't think about anything else when I'm occupied with work but today, something else occupied my thoughts.

Well, not something else but someone. A man named Jaiveer Dixit. Who willingly or unwillingly became my husband. 

Today, I woke up feeling empty because that man had gone on a business trip last night. I don't understand what is with him? Why is he going on continuous trips? Maybe that's how business men work. Even Papa used to go on continuous trips.

But why has he conquered my thoughts?


I got used to seeing his face first thing in the morning when I woke up. Today I missed it. 

I got used to listening to his silly talks with Adiraj while I was freshening up. Today I missed it.

I got used to stumbling into him while getting ready for work. Today I missed it.

I got used to seeing him feed Adiraj a bit or two while having breakfast. Today I missed it. 

I got used to teasing Adiraj together with him for kisses while leaving for work. Today I missed it. 

I got used to smiling widely seeing him playing with Adiraj while I returned back to home for lunch. Today I missed it.

I got used to feel content while seeing Adiraj and him napping together after having lunch. Today I missed it. 

Dammit!! I'm missing him. What the heck is even wrong with me?

I snatched Viraj's photo that's resting peacefully on the table and glared at him.

Why am I even thinking about him? Why am I even becoming soft towards him? Shouldn't I hate him?

Because if he hadn't entered my life, it would have been calm and peaceful with just Adiraj and I. 

But again, because of my entry into his life, he got separated from his girlfriend. Then he too hates me right? Why isn't he hating me then? Is there something I'm missing?

A soft knock on my door brought me back from my thoughts. I looked up and found Shraddha poked her head inside.

"I'm leaving. Do you need anything?"

At her question, I looked up at the clock. It's already 6 in the evening.

Looking back at her I shook my head.

"Alright. Don't stay up late. Bye bye."

Shraddha then retreated. Shaking my mind from the thoughts, I again busied myself with work.


I arrived at my house when the clock struck 8. Stepping inside I found Dad, Mom, Adiraj and Anu in the dining room. Anu is having her dinner while Dad and Mom are trying to feed Adiraj. Wait a minute, trying to feed? It looks like that. But there is not at all any need to try to feed him. 

"Mom." I called, approaching her.

Turning towards me, she sighed, "Good thing you're back. See, he isn't eating."

"Huh! But why?" I asked in confusion. My baby boy never troubles anyone with food.

"He wants Jai." Dad answered.

"Huh!?" That's what I could utter. 

Dad nodded, "He has been cranky since afternoon. Only responding to Jai's name."

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