Chapter 59: Lies

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"What's going on," I scream, looking around to see cracks appearing all over the surface of Apokolips. Massive cracks literally break the surface and it's only a few seconds afterward when lava rises from the cracks. "What is going on?"

"I don't know," Superman screams, looking around and seeing the same things. "Wait, what happened? What happened to Darkseid? To the super parademons? To the war machines?"

I look around again and see more. There, laying before us and around the Rusted, are all the super parademons. I can't be sure but it looks like some of them were frozen while others seem to have just fallen without any injuries. It doesn't take long before some of the super parademons are consumed by the rising lava. As the lava keeps on rising, some of it shoots into the air and now it's raining fire.

"Get back," I say, pushing Superman back. We barely manage to dodge some droplets. I watch as they hit the ground and start to melt it.

"Kara," Superman yells, grabbing my shoulder. "Come on! We need to get out of here! Fly back to the ship!"

I shake Superman's hand off.

"Not yet," I scream. I look around and scan the area. "Where is he? Where is The Man?"


"The Man in the Sunglasses. I don't see him anywhere! Do you see him?"


"We have to find him! We can't leave without him!"

"Let's go then!"

With the lava at our feet, we both jump into the air and start to fly. Almost the whole area is already covered in lava. Somehow, the Rusted is able to survive it. It's floating on top of the lava as if the lava is nothing but simple water.

About to reach the ship, we stop when The Man appears right in front of us. He appears out of nowhere, flying and covered in strange glowing black cracks.

"Wait, you can fly," Superman asks, "Also, what happened to you? Why are you glowing like that?"

"Are you okay," I ask. I lend toward The Man, wanting to check for any bruises, but The Man flies back a little.

"Listen," The Man says, "Apokolips is on the verge of total destruction. We need to get out of here as soon as we can."

"Total destruction," I repeat. "Wait, how? Why? What happen?"

"Something very bad," The Man says. "Something that shouldn't have existed."

"Shouldn't have existed," I repeat to myself. "What is he talking about?"

I don't have any time to think about what The Man said. Lava shoots into the air near us and almost hit us. Using the blue ring, I summon a shield to protect the three of us.

"Come on," The Man yells, "To the Rusted! Kara, keep the ring up! Superman, you do the same!"

Superman nods his head and uses his yellow ring to shield us. Together, the three of us fly over to the Rusted.

"Superman," Woman Woman and Black Adam shout as soon as they see him.

"Supergirl," my friends shout as soon as they see me. "And The Man? You can fly?"

"Question later," The Man says, stepping onto the Rusted. The second his feet touch, he runs up the Rusted. "Escape now."

Jumping and landing behind the wheel, The Man activates the thrusters. They roar to life and push the Rusted through the lava.

"Everyone brace yourself," The Man orders, "This is going to be a bumpy takeoff!"

Immediately, we all grab onto whatever is nearest to us. A few of us hang onto the ship's railing. Some of us latch onto the ropes tied between the ground and the flag. I hug a cannon and prepare for the worst.

Injustice 3: Rings War (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz