Chapter 20: Oa

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The Man:

"Land ho," I shout, pointing at Oa as we all slowly approach it. Surrounded by Arisia, Salaak, and the three other green lanterns, they guided us here.

Oa, home of the Green Lantern Corps, is a little different from what I remember. Still a massive, green sphere with the Green Lantern symbol smack on it, I see what looks like a force field surrounding the entire planet. It's a pale-green color and transparent, and there seems to be a single beam connecting the force field to the surface of Oa.

"That's new," I say, watching as the Rusted suddenly is encased in a green glow. I look up to see Arisia holding us back.

"Hold on," she says, the glow around the Rusted disappearing. Gathering the other lanterns, they all then head to Oa.


Salaak, I, and the other lanterns flying to Oa stop in front of the planet's shield. Aiming our rings at the shield, we all fire.

"In brightest day," we start, "In blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power. Green Lanterns' light!"

An opening appears in the shield and we all fly back to the spaceship.

"Come on," I say, nudging my head. "That would stay open for long."

"Aye-aye," the man says, waving at me as he steers his spaceship toward the opening.

"Aye-aye," I think, flying beside him as we enter through the shield, the opening disappearing seconds later. "What does that mean? Ahh, you Earthlings have way too many weird saying."

All of us descend toward the ground, the spaceship carefully avoiding any of the structures around it. Eventually, it lands in a small clearing.

The Man:

"Welcome to Oa," I say, pulling a lever and watching as the ramp shoots out before falling over. "Everyone gets off. Oh, and just in case, get your guard up."

"Why," Flash says, "We're allies. They let us in. Do you really think they're going to do something?"

"Yes," I reply, pointing at the sky as a bunch of green dots fly toward us. It's less than 30 seconds later before many more green lanterns, along with Arisia and Salaak surround us from all sides and aim their glowing rings at us. "I told you so."

Flash turning to face me, he scowls. I just shrug my shoulders.

"What are they doing," Kara asks, looking over the railings. As soon as she does, many of the green lanterns fire. Despite the ship's shield, the green lanterns' combined attacks knock us down.

Running and sliding to catch Kara before she can fall, she drops right into my arms.

"Hey," I say, "Are you okay?"

"Uhh, yeah," Kara answers.

Together, we can back on our feet.

"Is everyone okay," I yell, running from the Rusted's bridge to her deck. Helping a few back to their feet, I look over the railings. The green lanterns' rings are still trained on us.

"Let me handle this," Reverse-Flash says, cracking his fists as he walks toward the ramp.

"No," I say, shooting out my hand. "Don't. We need these idiots to think we're allies."

"Okay, first," Jason interrupts, "We are allies. Second, idiots? Really?"

"Yes," I say, "Idiot. We are allies, more or less, and they called us asking for help. Now they attacking us. Make up your minds, morons."

Injustice 3: Rings War (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora