Chapter 26: A Test of Will

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"Hal," I scream, seeing Hal limps his way into the arena's sitting area. "You okay."

Running up to Hal, I hug him. As I did, he screams and I immediately let go.

"Sorry," he cries, "Still got some broken bones."

"What are you doing here," I ask, realizing Barry, Oliver, and everyone else is behind Hal. I also realize that Hal is almost entirely wrapped in bandages and one of his arms is in a cast.

"What is Hal doing here," I ask, stepping to the side to look at everyone else. "He doesn't look well. He should be resting. This is no place for him."

"This is exactly where I need to be," Hal says, waving his hand and grabbing my attention. "I heard about what happened. I heard about how The Man used my ring. He used my ring while I was unconscious. I have to talk to him. I have to know how he did it. Where is he?"

"He's over there," a green lantern says, pointing toward the center of the arena. This green lantern had long orange hair and purple skin. "Wait, what's going on? Why is he in the middle of the arena?"

"The Guardians are testing him," I answer, looking at The Man as he steps into the arena. A massive oval-shaped building, there is a single floating platform directly in the center of the building, and surrounding the platform are many green lanterns.

As The Man steps onto the platform, the green lanterns boo him.

"Boo," they shout, "Boo! Enemy! You are no green lantern!"

"You green lanterns are really friendly with outsiders, uh," Leonard says.

"Trust me," the green lantern with orange hair replies, "If you've been here for the past few weeks, you would understand why we hesitate when it comes to Supers."

The green lantern eyeing me, I clutch the zipper of Leonard's coat.

"So any idea what's going to happen," Harleen asks, holding her hand over her eyes as she looks at The Man. "I mean, what exactly do your Guardians mean when they said they're testing him."

"Think of it as training," someone answers. Looking up, I see Arisia standing before us. She nods her head and points to a seat. "May I?"

"Literally the only other green lantern that had been friendly to us besides Hal and Laria," Harleen says. She steps to the side and waves her arms in front of the seat. "Please."

Arisia sitting beside Harleen, we all look at The Man.

"What do you mean by training," I ask.

"This is Oa's practice arena," Arisia starts. "This is where we trained new recruits."

"You yourself were here not so long ago," Laria says.

"You're a new recruit," Harleen asks, turning to Arisia.

"Yeah. I only completed my training two weeks ago."

"And you're already in the middle of a war," Reverse-Flash says from behind us. "Talk about bad timing."

"Hey," Selina says, snapping her fingers. "Look over there. Something is happening."

Pointing toward the sky, we see a small green dot quickly get bigger. It's only a few seconds later before a familiar green lantern land on the opposite end of the platform.

"Oh boy," Arisia says.

"That is bad," Laria adds.

"Your friend's opponent is Kilowog," Arisia says.

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