Chapter 56: One on One

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The Man:

My eyes snap open and I find myself floating in a dark, empty void. As far as the eyes can see, there isn't anything here.

"Hello," I shout. I hope to hear the sound of my echo but there is no echo. I really am in a void. "But wait, this can't be right. This is supposed to be Kara's mind. Why is it so empty? Why does it feel so cold in here?"

I can see my breath as clear as day. Every time I breathe out, even through my nose, I can see white smoke. I look down at my transparent blue arm and despite it being ghost-like, I think I can see what looks like frostbite on it.

"I like the cold, but this is going a bit too far."

My head turning left and right, I scan for Kara.

"Kara," I shout, "Kara! Where are you? It's me. I'm here to help you!"

There is no reply.

"Shoot," I cry.

Flying around the void, I look all over for where Kara could be.

"Kara! Kara! Where are you? Can you hear me? Hello?"

I feel like I'm flying through space. Only without the stars, planets, or asteroids. Screaming and cursing, I look at my pale-blue hand again.

"Hmm," I think. I adjust my sunglasses, making sure it isn't loose. "I have to be careful."

Focusing, I start to glow brighter. The black space around me is starting to turn blue. It takes only a few more seconds before I pull myself apart. My head separates front before my body splits into two. My legs are the final things to pull themselves apart.

Despite there being two of me now, I knew it would not be enough.

"Kara's mind is big. I need to copy myself a few more times in order to search it completely."

"Are you sure that's a wise move," my copy asks. "If we copy ourselves too many times over, we'll drain the blue ring's power fast, and once the ring's power is drained, we'll have to use our own power. I must remind the risk of using our own power."

I look at myself in the sunglass.

"I know," I answer, "But for the time being, we have no other choice. Are you ready?"

"Yeah," my copy grunts.

With a nod of our heads, we start to separate over and over again. Soon, there are dozens of us, all flying in different directions.

"When one of us found Kara," copy #56 telepathic says.

"Alert the others,", copy #48 finishes.

All of me search frantically for Kara. We go as far as possible, flying high and low, turning left and right, and even circling back to triple-check an area if we must.

While flying through the void, I notice something off. There, not too far in the distance, seem to be a little silver of something. It appears to be some sort of platform, with Kara right on top of it.

"I find her," copy #8 yells. "Everyone, return to me at once."

Despite none of the others being around me, I can sense them nodding their heads. Simultaneously, they are turned into blue beams and fly right into me.

"Now that I'm back in one piece," I think, slowly hovering toward Kara. As I approach Kara, I start to hear her voice. It sounds like her but it isn't her.

"You can't do anything," Kara says. "You can't beat him. He's too strong. You failed the world. You failed Bruce when he needed you the most."

"I tried," Kara cries. The Kara I see is on her knees. Her head is lowered and she looks lifeless. "I tried to help Bruce."

Injustice 3: Rings War (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz