Chapter 57: Red, Blue, and Yellow

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The Man:

Once more, my eyes snap open and I find myself alone.

"Superman," I say, "Superman. Hello? Where are you? Where did you?"

I look around and notice something off. The blue bubble I summoned before. It's gone. I'm exposed.

"Someone must have attacked while I was in Kara's mind. That's why Superman is gone, but who? Darkseid."

I turn around and look through the hole in the back of his throne room. The throne room is empty.

About to fly off to find Superman, I stop when I hear a familiar voice. Turning around, I see Kara holding her hand and shaking as she tries to stay in the air.

"Kara," I say, flying over to her. "Hey, easy there."

Looking down, I realize I'm flying instead of using a hoverboard. Using Saint Walker's blue ring, I summon a hoverboard and stand on it. I make sure to summon an extra-large hoverboard so Kara can rest on it. That darn thing is still on her head so I grab and crush it.

"Ahh," Kara moans. She is still shaking despite standing on my hoverboard. Shaking her head, she finally looks up at me and smiles.

"Is this," she starts, "Is this real?"

"Yeah," I say, "It's real alright. Why do you ask?"

"Because you're still blue."

"Oh yeah. That's because of this."

I show Kara Saint Walker's ring. As I show her the blue ring, I realize something. Kara is still wearing the red ring. Without the device on her head, Kara lost her rage and anger. She isn't wearing the red lantern armor anymore and the ring seems to have lost its glow.

"Let's trade," I suggest. "Give me your hand."

Kara is hesitant at first but nods her head and gives me her hand a second later. Her hand on mine, I take the red ring off and slowly slide the blue ring on.

"This is more your color," I say, stepping back as Kara is slowly encased in the blue lantern armor. A massive burst of blue energy knocks me off the disappearing hoverboard.

"No," Kara says, looking down. However, as I fall, I put on the red ring and encase myself in red lantern armor. Now summing a red hoverboard, I fly back up.

"This feels better," Kara says, spreading out her arms.

"Yeah," I say, clearing my throat and looking away. "As I said, blue is more your color."

While looking away, I hear screaming and the sound of a fist fight.

"Come on," I say, nudging my head. "This way! Superman may need our help!"

"Wait," Kara says, flying after me. "Superman!"

"Oh yeah," I say, tapping my head. "Uhh, we're in the middle of a truce. Basically, this is what is going on."


Screaming as Darkseid grabs and throws me into one of the war machines, I crawl out of the war machine only to have Kalibak run up and hit me with his mace. He hits and knocks me to the ground.

Kalibak roars as he jumps and tries to hit me with his mace again. Swinging and holding out my yellow ring, I summon a barrier to protect me. Hitting the barrier, Kalibak's mace bounces off of it. He's stunned for only a second, and in that second, I hit him with a yellow beam. This time, it's me who knocks Kalibak to the ground.

I don't even have time to catch my breath before Darkseid appears in front of me. He raises both his hands and slams them against the yellow barrier over and over. I can feel each hit and it's not long before the barrier starts to fade.

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